Age alignment

Hey Gang,
Sorry for not posting in a while. I just celebrated my 41st B-Day, and it is kind of weird, since I don't look 41 or even identify much with 4o somethings. I have never been married or had kids. I have a nephew and neice. 7 and 4 years. I don't like using the phrase "Years old" cause I am a "Young at heart" type of guy! I like to say "How long I have been around" or "I have been renewed for another season" (like tv shows) Most of my friends and people I meet say that I look like I am in my mid to later 20's:)
One thing I have done to help me keep my mind off of "How old", is to use symbolizms! I went to and found a very cool symbolizm for me this year! I found the 41st Airlift Squadron! Their symbol is a Cat carrying a baby cat! I figure that this is fitting for me, since I love serving and assisting others, and in a way I "Airlift friends out of trouble!" I am seen amongst friends as a "Wise Guy" LOL, but mostly in serving, protecting, and helping others:)
God Bless,
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