Alter Egos Part 1 of 3

Get a look at this picture! This is a pic from an online game!!!
More and more these days, people don't wanna live out their real lives! They think it is boring and turn to online games and/or game systems rather than getting out there and living life! There is actually a game called "Second Life" which promotes this kind of behavior!
Granted, I am slightly guilty since I enjoy a game called "City of Heroes"! But I don't waste countless hours playing online! Get outside while you still can people! Global Warming hasn't taken it's toll yet! With "Second Life" I can see this kind of thing taking place, if our outside world becomes inhabitable?
With this in mind; lets say that this becomes the only way we can live? What would you wanna look like? Would it be a carbon copy of you, or something completely different?
We will explore this in part two!
Until then! Peace out!
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