Still ROCKing after all these years!

According to my G.P.S. Gadget, it is the year 2106, Friday night 7:25pm! Upon entering this military bunker, I am greeted by the user greeter team, and I don't fully recognize any of them, but some of them look like ROCKers that I know.
I receive a bulletin and I notice the date on it matches the date on my G.P.S. gadget, so either this is real, or an elborate prank! The message tonight is "Trails: GOD's master plan for growing us"!
Looking around, I see many new young faces! Looking over the info table, I see copies of the One Year, ROCK stuff, a large stack of DVDs of The "ROCK" 100 years in the making! and I think to myself, that the ROCK TV guys finally put it to DVD! and last but certainly not least, the ROCK picture book!
In the picture book, there were pictures of ROCKers I know, but they are older looking. Maybe it is stage makeup? Then I see Pastor Mark Darling! Pastor Mark hasn't aged a day! I approached him and I wait for my ROCKers friends to come out laughing, but this does not happen.
Pastor Mark reached out his hand to shake mine and with his eyes wide open he asked me; Are you a grandchild of Keith Stangeland?
I shake his hand, pause, and then I decide that I better play along; Why, yes I am, my name is Sven (ok, so I could not come up with a better name at the moment, but since I look very norwegian, I figured it was a good choice.)
Pastor Mark Darling asks; What happened to your Great Grand Dad?
I respond; He suddenly left the country for an extented time.
Pastor Mark Asks; How is he doing?
I respond; He passed on.
Pastor Mark was then distracted by a older looking man who needed Pastor Marks undivided attention. The man looked like Karl Quickert. I figured, noooo, probably not him?!
Still looking for signs of an elaborate joke, the bunker gets hit hard! The floor shakes and I wonder if it is an earthquake, or bomb? Not that I ever experienced a bombing before! I run from the bunker and out to my gold vehicle. I fumble for the key and open the drivers side. As I start to turn the key, and hold the shift, I experience a barrage of explodions, and I am flung backwards. The shift was pulled completey down, and I knocked my head, hard against the window. I start blacking out.................
Next Time; The Great Outdoors!
I am totally digging this story, Keith!
Hey Ben,
Glad that you are digging it. I am excited about the ongoing story arc. I hope that you will enjoy digging it, and feel free to show others:)
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