Alter Egos Part 3 of 3

Ok gang,
here it is, as promised! Here is what I would be online fulltime, if the world was a burning cinder!
It is cool?! I would be a radiation blastin punk rockin superhero! Name is "Proto Punk"!!!
I don't play this character very often, but when I do, I enjoy kicking supervillian butt!
On a day like today, with the temp being 80 degrees and a wonderful breeze, I could not imagine being locked away indoors! I was outside for a number of hours! I usually play "City of Heroes" at night or during severe rain or winter storms, and only about 90 minutes to 2 hours at a time. Even in the winter I enjoy getting outside! So I hope that you all don't get sucked into the internet for long periods of time or make gaming your life goal! It is a great escape, but my advice is to do it in limited doses!
Peace out!
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