Alter Egos Part 2 of 3

Hey Gang,
Get a load of this pic! Talk about doing a double dip in laziness! Not only are they sitting on their rumps in front of their computer/laptop, but they are also sitting on their rumps online!!!
Now I can understand this, if are world is in a nuclear holocast! But since we still have a livable world, it is time for these peeps to get some sunlight!!!
But enough of me bashing! Lets get back to what I promised about discussing from the last post! Imagine that the world is a burning cider in space, and we somehow find a way to live underground? What kind of avatar (alter ego) would you be? If you get the time, add your character to comments!
I would be a british punk rock super hero! Here is an awesome pick of one superhero I created online called "Proto Punk"! He is powered by radiation and uses it to kick villains hind ends!!! Since I am having trouble posting the pic in the place I want it, on this entry, I will include it in the next posting!
Now you may be wondering...wait a sec...he is bashing onliners, but he makes a character of his own to play online! Just to let you know, I am not be hypocritical, but just stating that it should be important to how much time you spend online. I schedule my time online, and rather than creating a character that lays around, I have him fight crime, and solve mysteries (brain exercises:) I try not to be online for longer than it takes for peeps to watch movies!
Part three, coming up soon!!!
Peace out!
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