A Belated Birthday Gift!

Today I received a belated birthday gift! It is a large gold colored machine, about the size of a car. Good thing I have two car garage. The neighbors would be asking questions, if I had it parked outside.
The card that was attached to it, says; Greetings Keith Neil Stangeland, I am "TimeWalker" and I wish you a very happy birthday. Sorry about it this birthday greeting being belated. It is a very long story about being on the other end of the universe...anyhow, I hope you will enjoy this gift to its fullest! Your friend "TimeWalker"
As I scratch my head, I try to remember who I know that goes by the name of "TimeWalker"? I know many people, but I can't place who is Timewa...ahhhhh, I know, TimeWalker is Craig Larson! I will have to call him and thank him for this large gift. It must of costed a small fortune? He did buy me one of my favorite Doctor Who DVDs (a british sci-fi show about a time traveler) Why would he throw in another gift?
I am puzzled to why I was gifted with such a vehicle? I don't even have stuff like this on my wish lists, and besides, what the heck is it anyway?
Next time; A Mysterious Book!
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