Swimming in the Time Stream!

Not sure how Craig obtained a Cosmonaut looking space suit, but he said it would be protective as I am out in the timestream retreiveing the DVDs! I was very unsure about this at first, but with missing our ROCK brothers in sisters in Christ, I find my motivation!
To my surprise, Craig showed me that in the backseat on the floor is a hatch door that leads to a hanger bay! The inside is bigger that the outside. Craig stated what this meant, but I am too preoccupied by what my task is!
I did notice however that on the floor of the hanger bay, there are dried mud footprints. Looks like the feet of a woman, since it appears that the foot size might be a size 5? I told Craig and he climbed down. Craig noticed another hatch on the floor and it lead out under the vehicle. It was left unlocked. Craig then said; Those Time Travel dealers always sell these with this door unlocked! Argh!!!
I stated; There is such a thing as Time Travel Car Dealers? Now I have heard it all!
Craig then stated that we best get our mind back on task and worry about the stowaway later!
The suit is really bulky, but Craig assures me that I will have no problem grabbing the DVDs in the Time Stream!
Out I go, and then I remember, that with the explosion, there was some large debris!
Craig responds on the com-link; Don't worry, the suit is solid and it will protect you!
I state; ok (sheepishly) And here is comes! The first chuck of debris is very large and...WHACK!!! Ohhhh, that really hurt!
Craig asks; Are you alright? That looked like it really hurt?
I just growl and brace myself very the next impact! And here comes another...oufff!!! Right...in...the...gutt...
Smaller debris, the size of pellets pepper me!
Then here comes the DVDs all at once! Grab, grab, grab, grab, grab, just keep focus and keep grabbing!!! Then once that looked like the last of this, one the doors from the ROCKs military bunkers hits me hard!!! WHAMMO!!!
Stay conscienc...stay awak...don't pass...out...
Craig quickly reels me in, and I wonder if I am gonna have another concusion?
After I cool refreshing SOBE (yeah I know I am addicted to the stuff, but it is sooo tasty:) Craig and I count the DVDs.
Now one of them is with us so that is one! We count 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8...ahh, lets recount! After counting again, and once again, Craig has his hands wrapped around his head, and I am simply cradling my much knocked around head, and we try to think of what is the next move?
I state; Lets just check the Time Line, and see if there is any progress.
On the screen, we see that the Time Line is restored! I jump up and dance a victory dance and hug each other (in a brotherly way, mind you!)
We did it we both exclaimed!!! Then...we heard a disturbing alarm sound! beep, beEP, bEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!!!
I say; What is wrong?
Craig says; We just ran out of fuel...
Me; Ran out of fuel???
Craig states; Those dealers only fuel the vehicles for test flights! I forgot to tell you to re-fuel!
The ship then gets caught into the Time Stream, and spins out of control, as we both scream like little girls! AHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh........
Next Time; Home Sick!
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