Home Sick

Safetly back at home, Craig and I are thrilled to have everything back to normal! Craig said that he would get back to me on the muddy footprint thing!
Tuesday night house church was great! I was glad to see our small group represent the majority of the house church! Go team!!! I am already looking forward to Friday at the ROCK!
On Wednesday during lunch at work I ate some bad "Sushi" and I got a touch of food poisining so I was very ill from Wednesday night thru Friday! I ended up calling in sick on Thursday! It is sad when a food item you really like ends up hurting you:( I caught up on sleep, TV shows on DVD, Movies, and read in the Onion, online, about continuos reports about a cavewoman. Sounds like they are gonna stretch out this joke as for all it is worth?
Oh..., but I bet you are wondering what happened to Craig and I once we ran out of fuel for my Time vehicle? (I still have trouble calling it that)
Here is an interesting short trip!
Day; Monday October 10th, Time; 8am, Year; 1989, Latittude 40n02, Longitiude 83w10 "Hilliard, Ohio"
Craig and I wake up and find ourselves relatively undamaged. The ship is great shape. I am upside down, laying against the door of the vehicle. Thank goodness for saftey locks! Craig legs were sticking up and his head was on the floor next to the accelaration and brake petals!
After a little time of recovery, we were relieved to find out the the vehicle has solar panels that kicked in and an auto-pilot that landed us sately to the ground.
Craig then said; Lets refuel!
Me; With what?
Craig says; With trash!
Me; ???
Craig says that this vehicle is an enviromentally friendly machine, and it runs on trach much like the delorian car in the movie "Back to the Future"! The time travel dealers are also mechanics that are enviromentally minded!
Remember when I said, now that I hear it all! Now I have heard it all!!!
What a stroke of luck that we landed right next to a dumpster in a suburban neighborhood! Craig pulls out of the vehicle, what looks like a suction tube that is connected to the vehicle, and he puts it in the dumpster. Craig tells me to switch on! And after about a minute, the vehicle reads full! I am learning more and more about my crazy time vehicle!
Then on screen, I see a blip! I tell Craig and he quickly puts the tube back in the vehicle and rushes into the drivers side!
I ask Craig; What does this mean?
Craig says; It is one of the DVDs! It has to be!!! The ship picks up inanimate objects that have timestream residue! It helps in finding objects that don't belong in certain time zones!
Me; I'll take your word for it! (Still having a hard time with all of this, and being bonked on the ehad so many times, I could be in a coma?)
I then ask; How far away is it?
Craig says; Just one block west!
Me; Awesome! Ahhh, what about my vehicle? I large gold heli-copter, jet looking vechile kind of stands out in suburbia!
Craig says; No problem! (He pushes a button and it turns into a station wagon)
Me; ???????? how?...ahh, nevermind. Let's find that DVD!
As we approach the area. A man comes out of his house, to get the paper and he finds the DVD right on top of the paper!
Craig and I both scream inside our head (Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo)
Before we can get there, the man already read the back synopsis. Craig and I approach the man and before we can say a word, the man says;
Hey guys, I bet you are looking for this? He had a smile on his face, and assured us not to worry. After reading it, he stated that this only gave him stronger faith. He said he would keep it his secret, and he handed us the DVD. He then said, that he would love to chat with us time travelers, but he had a meeting at the campus to discuss Great Commision Ministry plans.
We thanked him and went on our way!
I asked; Craig who was that?
Craig simple smiled and said; One of the founders of GCM.
We climbed into the vehicle, changed it back into the gold colored heli-copter, jet thing, checked the time line just to be sure, and we seen that even though we are still missing one DVD, the time line is still unaffected!
We then went home!
Next Time: Rocking Weekend!
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