Out Reaching Part 1!

Back to single postings, or until I go off on my time travelling trips again? :)
On Friday night October 13th, the ROCK message was great from Tim Grunditz! The clips we seen from United 93 were very emotional and brought out out strong emotions in myself! I liked Tim's three points of what options we have in life! 1. We can Compromise to this world! 2. Engage in the battle! 3. Yield to Christ! We know that yielding is the best option, even through engaging sounds like the right one, we will go down fighting like the passengers on United 93. The main point of yielding is admitting that we can't do it alone! Many Christian churches say that if you are a good person, that it is good enough! There is a book that is titled "Choose the Religion that is Right for You"! What a load of crap!!!
I should of been downstairs praying with my Small Group on this night! I was talking to my leaders earlier that day and they reminded me, and I still forgot! I am gonna blame it on the food poisioning and the time travel since my memory is usually amazingly sharp! Any way it was good for me to be with my brother in Christ Ray who is slowly plugging back in to the ROCK.
I hosted game night at my place after the ROCK and 20 ROCKers showed up and we had a good time of munching pizzas, snacks, some fruit, and overall good conversations.
Once everyone left and went home, It was 1am in the morning and I heard a girls voice outside? I ran downstairs and looked outside, and no one was around. Then I looked down and...muddy footprints! I left Craig a voicemail since he was at the Fallout shelter (Source Ministries) rocking with other musicians! Yep, my bro is a rocking time travelling dude! I think I am slowly gonna get used to this time travelling business, BUT I need a break from the vehicle, just to get my bearings on this reality!
Next Time; Out Reaching Part 2!
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