Out Reaching Part 2!

Saturday October 14th, I meet up with Ray Sweetman and Anna Bruhn at Nate and Craig's place! They are all great friends O' Mine, and good company! The Saint Paul Art Crawl outreach was good, but I was disappointed by the low turnout of ROCK participates. I was glad to team up with Ray and Anna! I had a great talk with an artist named "Lawrence Paul" but his real name is Larry Peterson. I bet you can guess why he goes by Lawrence Paul? The name, Larry Peterson in to much like John Doe! Larry is colorblind, but make amazing water color, oil, and acrylic paintings! Anna had to buzz out after an hour and a half, but she made two contacts! Awesome Anna!!!
Ray and I crashed at the "Black Dog Cafe" for some healthy eats! Ray had the Bagette with Ham and Bree and I had the "Snack Platter" which consisted of gouda cheese, fine bread, black and green olives, sausage, and artichokes! It was delicious! Ray and I tried to outreach afterwards but we became to lethragic after our meal, so we cruized out at 4:30pm. Ray went back home and I had some hangtime with my Bro Nate! Time well spent!
Jon Dordals party was a blast and many Rockers showed up! It was a great time and I enjoyed the socializing, and catching up with Rockers that I have not connected with in a while. My friend Deb, was talking about her new exercise routine called "Yoga Bootie Ballet" and to my surprise, a few other ROCK ladies know of this and practice it as well! Everytime I hear about it, it makes me chuckle!
I cruized out at 11pm, and noticed that my voicemail had a message. It was Craig. He said that he would not be able to meet up with me, but I need to get in my vehicle and check to see if timeline is ok or altered? He could not give me any details, but said I need to be thorough in my search! My weekend was going great and now it's back to a time vehicle that I wanted a break from:(
After the party I arrived home and found more muddy footprints on my sidewalk. I looked around the townhouse, and then I found more footprints on my patio! No one was in sight, and I found that the mud had dried. I enter my garage and carefully lock it behind me. Kind of freaked out by the footprints all around my place. I open my vehicle, and turn on the G.P.S. thingy to get a look at the timeline! After several minutes everything looks good, but I can't forget that Craig advised me to be thorough!
I check comparisons of the timeline. Happenings that would not really have much of an affect on the timeline, and I finally find something! The number of admissions to many ERs increased, but mostly minor head injuries, and strangely enough, all admissions are male! Then I also find that the sales in solid oak baseball bats has gone up! Not really understanding all this, I decide to report my findings to Craig, leave a voice mail and move on.
Before heading to bed, I head to my patio, to get a look at the night sky, and I am suddenly startled but muddy hand prints on my sliding glass door! I am too tired and freaked out to go outside.
Next Time; Sunday Sightings!
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