a Wonderful Wife Part 10 "Imperfect World"

Haley and Elizabeth just back to the house from the hospital. I got back just minutes before they did.
Keith; How is our little princess?
Elizabeth; The Doc said Haley is just having recurring nightmares. No much the can do.
Keith; Did Haley go into anymore detail?
Elizabeth; All we could come up with is that she has a friend named Ben that protects her when she is in the bad place.
Keith; Ben Robison?
Elizabeth; She did not know his last name, but just his name is Ben and he has other friend that are dressed up like they are going sunday church.
Keith thinks; The Galileen Time Agency?
Elizabeth; Honey you are pale again...what is wrong?
Keith; I was at my appointment with the meditation specialist and I was guided to the visons from my bad dreams, and I seen Ben, along with a group of well dressed people.
Elizabeth; What does this mean honey? (frightened look on her face)
Keith; I wish I knew, but seems that there is not much to guided meditation so I brought Kirk through it and he had similiar visions. From what we can gather, this "bad place" has people who are violent, and there is a man in silver armor.
Haley; Don't fworget the blue nwice man, and these thwings. (Haley holds up a triangle shaped toy)
Keith; You are right princess, I won't forget about that.
Elizabeth; What should we do honey?
Keith; For now, the best we can do is pray.
Keith thinks; I could not forget what Ben said to me in my vision. "You shouldn't be here! This is not the way to help us!"
Keith; How is our little princess?
Elizabeth; The Doc said Haley is just having recurring nightmares. No much the can do.
Keith; Did Haley go into anymore detail?
Elizabeth; All we could come up with is that she has a friend named Ben that protects her when she is in the bad place.
Keith; Ben Robison?
Elizabeth; She did not know his last name, but just his name is Ben and he has other friend that are dressed up like they are going sunday church.
Keith thinks; The Galileen Time Agency?
Elizabeth; Honey you are pale again...what is wrong?
Keith; I was at my appointment with the meditation specialist and I was guided to the visons from my bad dreams, and I seen Ben, along with a group of well dressed people.
Elizabeth; What does this mean honey? (frightened look on her face)
Keith; I wish I knew, but seems that there is not much to guided meditation so I brought Kirk through it and he had similiar visions. From what we can gather, this "bad place" has people who are violent, and there is a man in silver armor.
Haley; Don't fworget the blue nwice man, and these thwings. (Haley holds up a triangle shaped toy)
Keith; You are right princess, I won't forget about that.
Elizabeth; What should we do honey?
Keith; For now, the best we can do is pray.
Keith thinks; I could not forget what Ben said to me in my vision. "You shouldn't be here! This is not the way to help us!"
I wonder what can I do to help? Maybe I can get inside the Weisman Art Musuem and see if anything looks out of place?
Elizabeth; Honey, it is your turn to make dinner.
Keith; Oh, yeah, that's right! I better check our schedule to remember what I promised.
Keith thinks; Roasted Eggplant Soup? Yuck...but then Elizabeth does make delicious meaty meals for me and the kids, so I best not complain.
Funny thing is I bounce back and forth from this life, to another that naggs at me that I am single? I wonder is real, and I believe that inside the Weisman Art Center is where I will find the answers.
Nathaniel; Daddy! Don't forget that after dinner, it is our boys night!
Keith; Let me guess? Nintendo Wii till bedtime?
Nathaniel; Yup!
Keith; I am looking forward to it son! Can you help me cut the eggplant?
Nathaniel; Yuck!
Meanwhile deep inside the Weisman Art Center...
Silver Armored Man; The world is changing. We must press harder! I must obtain my goal!
Blue Fire Alien; No...please end this madness...I can't hold this together for too much longer...
Next Time; a Wonderful Wife Part 11 "Blue Hell"
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