a Wonderful Wife Part 7 "Honey Do Day"

Monday Morning February 19th, and just when I thought I would be able to get my research in, my wife handed me the list! The "Honey Do" list! One look at it and figured that it would take up my entire day!
My wife's response was;
Elizabeth; This will keep you out of trouble since you are not taping your show today! (She smiles)
Keith; You want me to pick up women's things?
Elizabeth; You are a big enough man to handle it, and don't worry about the kids! My mother will be watching them today while I am at work. Have fun, and stay...out...of...trouble (She gently pokes my chest with her finger on each word) I love you honey! (She kisses me on the lips)
Keith; Can I stop by the comic shop?
Elizabeth; Nope! Not in the budget. Love you! (She heads off to work)
Keith thinks; Bummer! Maybe I can quickly go to my office and look up stuff before I go out?
Keith runs to his office in the garage and is unpleasently surprised...
Keith thinks; Elizabeth knew I was gonna go to my office. Not only did she lock my office door, but she took the key off my keyring and posted a note on the door, stating "Not till all on the list is completed and I am back home", and to top it all off, Elizabeth attached fake "Police Tape" across the door, so if I broke it she would know! Elizabeth is a very clever woman!
Since I am in the garage, I best be on my way to complete this list:( Maybe I can get back with plenty of time to retrieve the info I am looking for?
Most of the items cannot be mentioned, due to woman items, and these errands brings me through most parts of the city! I notice that many of the building structures have pyramid shapes. As I drive past the Foshey Tower, I notice that it is closed for remodeling. I wonder what happened to the "Galileen Time Agency"?
My wife's response was;
Elizabeth; This will keep you out of trouble since you are not taping your show today! (She smiles)
Keith; You want me to pick up women's things?
Elizabeth; You are a big enough man to handle it, and don't worry about the kids! My mother will be watching them today while I am at work. Have fun, and stay...out...of...trouble (She gently pokes my chest with her finger on each word) I love you honey! (She kisses me on the lips)
Keith; Can I stop by the comic shop?
Elizabeth; Nope! Not in the budget. Love you! (She heads off to work)
Keith thinks; Bummer! Maybe I can quickly go to my office and look up stuff before I go out?
Keith runs to his office in the garage and is unpleasently surprised...
Keith thinks; Elizabeth knew I was gonna go to my office. Not only did she lock my office door, but she took the key off my keyring and posted a note on the door, stating "Not till all on the list is completed and I am back home", and to top it all off, Elizabeth attached fake "Police Tape" across the door, so if I broke it she would know! Elizabeth is a very clever woman!
Since I am in the garage, I best be on my way to complete this list:( Maybe I can get back with plenty of time to retrieve the info I am looking for?
Most of the items cannot be mentioned, due to woman items, and these errands brings me through most parts of the city! I notice that many of the building structures have pyramid shapes. As I drive past the Foshey Tower, I notice that it is closed for remodeling. I wonder what happened to the "Galileen Time Agency"?
When did Minneapolis decide to get a pyramid motif? I best be on to the next item on the list or Elizabeth will be upset with me, if I am not back by 6pm! Next stop, the Saint Paul U of M campus!
Well that is odd? Out of all of the buildings I have seen, the Weisman Art Museum has not changed? Maybe it would not be artistic if it was shaped like a pyramid?
Well that is odd? Out of all of the buildings I have seen, the Weisman Art Museum has not changed? Maybe it would not be artistic if it was shaped like a pyramid?
I can't believe how fast time went? I best get back home and complete several of the house projects.
Upon returning home, I go directly to his office, only to find a note that states "See me first!"
Keith thinks; Just when I thought I had a chance! Oh well, I am sure that Elizabeth wants to know that I picked up everything?
Inside the house...
Elizabeth; Thank you honey! (She kisses me) You did everything on the list! Time for your reward! Let's go immediately to the jacuzzi!
Keith; Ahhh...dear, what about my resear...
Elizabeth; Shhhh...come with me. (She takes my hand) The kids won't be back til morning.
Keith thinks; I feel like I am being purposely kept away from the computer?
Meanwhile, deep inside the Weisman Art Museum...
Silver-Armored Man; All is going according to my plans!
Next Time; a Wonderful Wife Part 8 "Talk Show Prep"!
Next Time; a Wonderful Wife Part 8 "Talk Show Prep"!
Keith, this is probably my favorite storyline of yours so far. I'm really intrigued!
Glad you are loving it Ben. I am having a great time writing this storyline!:)
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