
Ben Robison can't believe his own eyes. The man in the space suit lifted up his helmet shield and revealed his identity to Ben.
Ben Robison; This has got to be the biggest prank of all time? What?..., How do you look like...
Man in the space suit; You? Because, Ben, I am you.
Ben felt like he was looking in a mirror. Ben has gone through alot lately. Witnessing a man with no physical substance (Murphy), vegetables that look like people, blue fire that doesn't burn but give amazing peace, Keith who really isn't the Keith he knows, people calling them selves timeless ones, and a movie theatre flosting in the timestream. All this leads up to Ben seeing himself in a space suit, looking exactly the same.
Ben Robison; If you are me, what is one of my favorite things?
Time Controller Ben Robison; Our personal computer.
Ben Robison; What church do I attend?
Time Controller Ben Robison; The Rock.
Ben Robison; What...
Time Controller Ben Robison; Ben, are we going to play twenty questions, or can I explain what is happening and what needs to be done to resolve this?
Ben Robison; Ok. Explain away, but I do have one more question...Why are there so many planets in the sky? They kind of look like earth?
Time Controller Ben Robison; That is a good question! I can answer that. All the planets in the sky are the work of Egyptian Keith. One of his plans was to be able to view all the planets from his throne here on this earth. Each earth was going to be crafted into his egyptian world. When Keith was pushed into the time stream, all his desires appeared, but in a chaotic fashion, without control.
Ben Robison; But I changed it all? I asked to have things put back the way I remember them?
Time Controller Ben Robison; Only for the earth of your dimension. You pushed yourself out before the Timeless could harness the rest of your requests through decisions.
Ben Robison; Oh...Why do some of the earths look different?
Time Controller Ben Robison; It is due to mankinds choices. The planet where the oceans are red and there are bekons on the north and south were put in place since the majority of the human race was convinced that they were all from another planet and are waiting to be picked up and brought home.
Ben Robison; How about that planet that looks like the yellow smiley face?
Time Controller Ben Robison; That planet is trapped in the 70s due to enormous pride!
Ben Robison; Is that brown one the Egyptian planet?
Time Controller Ben Robison; Yes, it is, minus it's ruler.
Ben Robison; I thought that GOD was in control of the entire world.
Time Controller Ben Robison; GOD is fully in control. We still have choices Ben. We can chose to be obedient or disobediant and GOD will still bring the world on its true path. These earths, all of them, and heaven will soon pass away.
Ben Robison; Now what do we do now?
Time Controller Ben Robison; Wait on GOD's timing, as you wished it.
Ben Robison; That could be awhile.
Time Controller Ben Robison; Yes, GOD can take his time. One day is like a thousand years.
Ben Robison; Maybe we are meant to correct this?
Time Controller Ben Robison; Quite possibly?
Ben Robison; Wait? How are you me?
Time Controller Ben Robison; You absorbed the time vortex energy when you slipped into the time stream. I am you, but hundreds of years in your future. I became the time controller and joined the Timeless.
Ben Robison; Can I go back into the time stream and correct all of this?
Time Controller Ben Robison; Impossible, but there is still a solution.
Ben Robison; What is the solution?!
Time Controller Ben Robison; Step inside that time machine that you and Egyptian Keith used to get here, and I will use my time machine.
Ben Robison; Where is your time machine?
Time Controller Ben Robison; This space suit.
Ben Robison; That is too weird.
Time Controller Ben Robison; It is actually cool! This face you are seeing is actually a display screen. I am sitting comfortably inside. Let's get to work.
Ben Robison is very disoriented by what is happening. He wishes he could wake up from what he believes is a twisted dream. Time Controller Ben Robison attaches cables to the time machine that Ben will control.
Ben Robison; I have never flown a time machine before?
Time Controller Ben Robison; The onboard guide will walk you through it, but we will do some tweaking. We need to reverse what Keith has brought to our reality.
Ben Robison; How much power do we need?
Time Controller Ben Robison; All the power of both of the time machines. The timeless would of helped you put it together, but since we can't rely on them right now, these time machines will have to do.
Ben Robison; You said that you are part of the Timeless? Why can't you do it?
Time Controller Ben Robison; I am linked with the Timeless, mentally, but not as powerful as the one you met. The Timeless man you seen is incredibly powerful. He is
inside the time vortex so he has direct access to that energy. Since the hole is currently sealed, I cannot access it.
Ben Robison; Whoa.
Time Controller Ben Robison; Alright Ben, once you flip the switches on the onboard manual, then during the part where it talks about the safety switch...
Ben Robison; Yes?
Time Controller Ben Robison; Deactivated it.
Ben Robison; What? You want me to deactivate a safety switch?
Time Controller Ben Robison; That's right. Once that is done, press the red button. The one that it states "not to push"!
Ben Robison; I am feeling uneasy about this.
Time Controller Ben Robison; Stay strong Ben. Ready?
Next Time; Coming Apart at the Seams!
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