The Timeless! Part 2

Galileen Time Agency...
C.E.O. Reigly; Sir! Are you in a safe place?
Time Controller's voice; I am well protected.
C.E.O. Reigly; Good, because we are planning to shut everything done and retreat.
Time Controller's voice; Hold your ground.
C.E.O. Reigly; But sir, with all due respect, the timeline of Egyptian Keith is amalgamating everything in the world, soo we will be overcome!
Time Controller's voice; Patience Reigly. Patience.
As stated by the Time Controller, the egyptian time formation stops, and fades away, leaving the world as is.
C.E.O. Reigly; Sir! You were right! It is restored! But how did you know?
Time Controller's voice; I am part of the Timeless, remember, or did you forget?
Inside the timestream, in the movie theater owned by Murphy...
Ben Robison; So, who are you? Really! Am I dreaming?
Timeless Man; You are not dreaming Ben. I am part of a greater committee that guards the time vortex energy.
Ben Robison; Ok, but you really did not answer my question! Who are you?
Timeless Man; I am only a servant whose name is lost in time. I am eternal, but then, so are you Ben.
Ben Robison; WHAT! I have a limited life span.
Timeless Man; Your physical body does, but your spirit is eternal. Ben, there are four things that are eternal. The Word of GOD, GOD, Choices, and People. We all go one forever, but we do have choices that make our final path. You are now at these crossroads Ben.
Ben Robison; How did you become timeless? What are the other committee members like?
Timeless Man; It was very long ago. I discovered a portal floating above the ground, and was intrigued. I touched it and I was changed. Each committee member has touched the time vortex.
C.E.O. Reigly; Sir! Are you in a safe place?
Time Controller's voice; I am well protected.
C.E.O. Reigly; Good, because we are planning to shut everything done and retreat.
Time Controller's voice; Hold your ground.
C.E.O. Reigly; But sir, with all due respect, the timeline of Egyptian Keith is amalgamating everything in the world, soo we will be overcome!
Time Controller's voice; Patience Reigly. Patience.
As stated by the Time Controller, the egyptian time formation stops, and fades away, leaving the world as is.
C.E.O. Reigly; Sir! You were right! It is restored! But how did you know?
Time Controller's voice; I am part of the Timeless, remember, or did you forget?
Inside the timestream, in the movie theater owned by Murphy...
Ben Robison; So, who are you? Really! Am I dreaming?
Timeless Man; You are not dreaming Ben. I am part of a greater committee that guards the time vortex energy.
Ben Robison; Ok, but you really did not answer my question! Who are you?
Timeless Man; I am only a servant whose name is lost in time. I am eternal, but then, so are you Ben.
Ben Robison; WHAT! I have a limited life span.
Timeless Man; Your physical body does, but your spirit is eternal. Ben, there are four things that are eternal. The Word of GOD, GOD, Choices, and People. We all go one forever, but we do have choices that make our final path. You are now at these crossroads Ben.
Ben Robison; How did you become timeless? What are the other committee members like?
Timeless Man; It was very long ago. I discovered a portal floating above the ground, and was intrigued. I touched it and I was changed. Each committee member has touched the time vortex.
Ben Robison; Like the egyptian Keith?
Timeless Man; Yes! In fact all Keith's of every dimension are the Timeless! Good or bad, they all obtained the gift.
Ben Robison; You said that we are all eternal, so how does this time vortex energy make you apart from the rest of us?
Timeless Man; The time vortex perserves the physical body and makes it better. The time vortex is GOD's creation. Touching the time vortex energy is like being blest early, rather than waiting till heaven for new bodies. As you know, heaven and earth will pass away.
Ben Robison; Can anyone touch this time vortex energy?
Timeless Man; No. Most human bodies cannot handle it. Murphy made that mistake, and now he is merely an embodiment of a belief. Time for you make a decision on what happens to mankind.
Ben Robison; WHAT! What do you mean? I am going to decide the fate of mankind?
Timeless Man; Yes. You have three choices. 1. Destruction of the world, 2. Heaven on earth, or 3. Earth as you know it?
Ben Robison; Tough choices. What if I don't chose any of them?
Timeless Man; Nothing will happen.
Ben Robison; Nothing?
Timeless Man; Nothing will happen to the world...ever.
Ben Robison; Looks like I have no choice.
Timeless Man; No, you have three choices.
Next Time; Final Choices!
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