The Once and Future King Part 1

Mille Lacs Lake Minnesota January 18th...
Time Agent Keith; Looks like all is set to rout power into the rip in the fabric of time.
Ben Robison; What exactly are we doing?
Time Agent Keith; Once we get safely inside I will tell you all about it!
Meanwhile at the Galileen Time Agency...
C.E.O. Reigly; Controller, the crystal skulls have lost there blue light. Did the blue fire energy escape?
Time Controller's voice; Yes, it did, but the world is no longer in danger, from the Blue Fire Energy. Are most recent problem of the imposter Keith will be dealt with very soon.
Mille Lacs Lake Minnesota January 18th. Time Agent Keith and Ben Robison enter the time machine that resembles a log cabin on the outside.
Ben Robison; Why does this time machine look like a log cabin?
Time Agent Keith; It blends in with it's surroundings. I am shutting the doors now and charging up the time machine.
Ben Robison; What do you me to do?
Time Agent Keith; Go to the computer and enter these numbers.
Time Agent Keith; Looks like all is set to rout power into the rip in the fabric of time.
Ben Robison; What exactly are we doing?
Time Agent Keith; Once we get safely inside I will tell you all about it!
Meanwhile at the Galileen Time Agency...
C.E.O. Reigly; Controller, the crystal skulls have lost there blue light. Did the blue fire energy escape?
Time Controller's voice; Yes, it did, but the world is no longer in danger, from the Blue Fire Energy. Are most recent problem of the imposter Keith will be dealt with very soon.
Mille Lacs Lake Minnesota January 18th. Time Agent Keith and Ben Robison enter the time machine that resembles a log cabin on the outside.
Ben Robison; Why does this time machine look like a log cabin?
Time Agent Keith; It blends in with it's surroundings. I am shutting the doors now and charging up the time machine.
Ben Robison; What do you me to do?
Time Agent Keith; Go to the computer and enter these numbers.
Ben Robison; What will these do?
Time Agent Keith; It will feed information in the time machine and send it into the rip in time. In doing this, we can repair the rip, and restore everything.
Ben Robison works feverishly! Time Agent Keith is flipping switch stablizing controls and pressing buttons. Ben swears that Keith was all over the time machines controls boards. After what seems like hours, Ben and Keith completed their tasks. The Ben asks...
Ben Robison; Did we do it? Did we seal the rip and save reality?
Time Agent Keith; Yes Ben, we did it. I want to thank you for your assistance. Take a look at the view screen and you can see our handiwork!
The view screen shows a stratling vision! Ben sees pyrimids, but in a more modern look, and what looks like flying chariots. Ben utters...
Ben Robison; Ahh, wait a minute, what did we just do???
Time Agent Keith; We just rewrote all time and space. We changed all the many dimensions histories! This is my world Ben! This is my history! Thank you for your help. Once again I am King, and more importanly I am King of all Time, Dimensions and Space!!!
Keith puts on an egyptian looking crown and lets out a wicked laugh, and Ben feels chills go through his spine...
Next Time; Once and Future King! Part 2
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