The Way Home!

Approximate time frame: Christmas eve in the andromeda galaxy, in the year 5000!
Time Agent Henry; No power left in the time machine? I have been stranded for weeks. No sign of Time Agent Keith anywhere. Not sure what to do on an abandoned planet? Tired and haven't had anything to eat for days.
Suddenly someone dressed in a space suit comes up, puts his glove covered hand on Time Agent Henry's shoulder, and in a mutted voice (due to the helmet) states; You are in good hands fellow time agent.
Meanwhile up north near Mille Lacs lake, the next day after the mummified Keith appeared...
Cornelius; Uff Da Earl, what do ya make of dat?
Earl; It sure is bright!
Cornelius; Yah. It is shimmering and pretty, but don't tell the guys that!
Earl; Yah, they might beat yah up. Ha Ha!
What Cornelius and Earl were talking about is the rip in the fabric of reality that was caused by the alternate dimension Keith. The rip is slowing growing in size and shape.
Present day, January 18th, Thursday inside the Crystal Skull dimension...
Blue Fire Energy; None of these humans are worthy that are presently inside us. We must chose one worthy successor.
Keith was great to bond with! Such amazing energy! His connection is no longer amongst us, so we must chose another, and the remainder of our energy can return home, so we don't endanger the human race with our unlimited energy!
These humans inside of us, collectively know a human that is perfect to receive our gift.
DONE! The gift is given. Release the rest of these humans to their homes!
It time for us to return home. Far thee well earthlings!
The Time Ship given to Keith appears right next to the rip in the fabric of reality! And Ben and Keith step out!
Ben Robison; What an amazing adventure! (A story for another time)
Time Agent Keith; Yup! Time Travel is cool!
Ben Robison; ROCKTOWN! Where are we now?
Time Agent Keith; Back home, but up north. Mille Lacs Lake to be exact! You can start by helping me carry cables to that rift.
Ben Robison; WHAT! What is that Keith?
Time Agent Keith; A rip in the fabric of reality!
Ben Robison; WHAT!!!
Time Agent Keith; We are here to fix it. We are here to fix everything, forever.
Galileen time agency. Time; Approximately New Years day 2007. The man in the space suit along with Time Agent Henry (who was sent to look for Time Agent Keith) walks into the office of C.E.O. Sarah Lawrence.
C.E.O. Sarah Lawrence; Welcome back Time Controller!
Time Controller; It is good to be back home Sarah. Prepare for the worst to come! Start shutting down of all time travel. You and I need to head to Galilee immediately. We will be on red alert going forward!
Next Time; The Once and Future King!
Time Agent Henry; No power left in the time machine? I have been stranded for weeks. No sign of Time Agent Keith anywhere. Not sure what to do on an abandoned planet? Tired and haven't had anything to eat for days.
Suddenly someone dressed in a space suit comes up, puts his glove covered hand on Time Agent Henry's shoulder, and in a mutted voice (due to the helmet) states; You are in good hands fellow time agent.
Meanwhile up north near Mille Lacs lake, the next day after the mummified Keith appeared...
Cornelius; Uff Da Earl, what do ya make of dat?
Earl; It sure is bright!
Cornelius; Yah. It is shimmering and pretty, but don't tell the guys that!
Earl; Yah, they might beat yah up. Ha Ha!
What Cornelius and Earl were talking about is the rip in the fabric of reality that was caused by the alternate dimension Keith. The rip is slowing growing in size and shape.
Present day, January 18th, Thursday inside the Crystal Skull dimension...
Blue Fire Energy; None of these humans are worthy that are presently inside us. We must chose one worthy successor.
Keith was great to bond with! Such amazing energy! His connection is no longer amongst us, so we must chose another, and the remainder of our energy can return home, so we don't endanger the human race with our unlimited energy!
These humans inside of us, collectively know a human that is perfect to receive our gift.
DONE! The gift is given. Release the rest of these humans to their homes!
It time for us to return home. Far thee well earthlings!
The Time Ship given to Keith appears right next to the rip in the fabric of reality! And Ben and Keith step out!
Ben Robison; What an amazing adventure! (A story for another time)
Time Agent Keith; Yup! Time Travel is cool!
Ben Robison; ROCKTOWN! Where are we now?
Time Agent Keith; Back home, but up north. Mille Lacs Lake to be exact! You can start by helping me carry cables to that rift.
Ben Robison; WHAT! What is that Keith?
Time Agent Keith; A rip in the fabric of reality!
Ben Robison; WHAT!!!
Time Agent Keith; We are here to fix it. We are here to fix everything, forever.
Galileen time agency. Time; Approximately New Years day 2007. The man in the space suit along with Time Agent Henry (who was sent to look for Time Agent Keith) walks into the office of C.E.O. Sarah Lawrence.
C.E.O. Sarah Lawrence; Welcome back Time Controller!
Time Controller; It is good to be back home Sarah. Prepare for the worst to come! Start shutting down of all time travel. You and I need to head to Galilee immediately. We will be on red alert going forward!
Next Time; The Once and Future King!
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