The Mushroom People of Albert Lea!

From the journal of Time Agent Keith...
I hope this assignment does not take me too far away from my goal? Thankfully the agency still has tech that works like this flying car! It saves alot of time in getting to Albert Lea, and does not use poluting gas and oil. This baby is solar and electric!
I am fascinated by what has transpired in my absence! I gained access to the Galileen Time Agencies log on "Time Agent Keith".
One of these events was a being of pure energy that took on the form of me. This beings blue colored energy brought about artificial life? Kind of like a battery to a toy, and at times could mutate it, and make it expand. Not this beings intention, but a fallout from it's energy. This is what created the crazy "Amish Friendship Bread" monster that gravitated to a fruit cake factory and mutated into large fruit cake monstrocities! It later divided into 4 more of it's kind at one time, following the "Amish Friendship Bread" recipes nature?
With energy of this magnitute, nothing is impossible! I must get to the source of this power which apparently is manifesting in the "Lake of the Ozarks"! But first I will carry out the assignment given to me from C.E.O. Reigly. I need to keep up my cover so no one will expect my true intentions here.
Time Agent Keith lands outside of the city limits and the flying car transforms into a Mini Coup. Time Agent Keith thinks that one does not need to be asked questions about a flying car. Time Agent Keith happens upon a young boy and his mushroom collection.
Time Agent Keith; Hello young man.
Young boy Stevie; Hello sir, who are you? Are you with the military, the news paper or some cult?
Time Agent Keith; Those are odd questions! I am not any one of those. My name is Keith. I am aahhh...investigator of unusal happenings.
Young boy Stevie; Like the X-Files?!
Time Agent Keith; Yes, like the X-Files. (Smiles) Your name?
Young boy Stevie; Stevie.
Time Agent Keith; Stevie, I see that you have mushrooms in your box. Do you collect them?
Young boy Stevie; No, they are my friends, or at least, they used to be until this group of people dressed in dresses killed them!
Time Agent Keith; Pardon my unbelief, but you said these mushrooms were alive?
Young boy Stevie; Are you gonna doubt me like the news media and the military?
Time Agent Keith; No Stevie, I have encountered stranger things! You said a group dressed in dresses?
Young boy Stevie; Yeah, I think they were a cult? They said their name was "Star something or another"?
Time Agent Keith; Did they say were they were heading?
Young boy Stevie; Some lake in Missouri?
Time Agent Keith; I suspect the media came just to cover up, and the military came to discet the mushroom people?
Young boy Stevie; Yeah! You are good at this detective stuff! What agency are you with?
Time Agent Keith; Here is my card Stevie, but don't show anyone. They won't believe you.
Young boy Stevie; The Men in Black exist?
Time Agent Keith; Yes they do, they are "Out There"! I am merely a contract worker. If you have anymore news, let us know.
Young boy Stevie; Yes sir!
Meanwhile in Madison Wisconson on January 6th in the early evening...
Mysterious shadowy man; Hello Ben Robison.
Ben Robison; Ahhh...who are you?
Mysterious shadowy man; My name is Murphy! We need to talk! You are about to walk into the most catastrophic upcoming event of your history and I want to help you prevent it!
Next Time; The Law of Murphy!
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