Meet Ben Robison!

From the Journal of Ben Robison...
I need ask Keith some hard questions, so I can determine if this Keith is an imposter? He seems so stoic and passive at times, as though he is processing data?
Another thing I began to notice other than Keith, is that there have been reports of UMAs (Unidentified Mysterious Animal) wandering about in the U.S! UMAs are a part of Cryptozoology. Cryptozoology is the study of animals that are rumored to exist, but for which conclusive proof is missing! The term also includes the study of animals generally considered extinct, but which are still occasionally reported. Those who study or search for such animals are called cryptozoologists, while the hypothetical creatures involved are referred to by some as "cryptids", a term coined by John Wall in 1983.
I am heading out of town to Madison, WI, this weekend with my girlfriend Sarah and friends, but I intend to stop over at Keith's place before leaving! I am curious to know what is going on?
Ben Robison and his crew pull into Keith's driveway. Ben lets his crew know that he won't take to long. He just needed to see what is up with Keith? The bell rings and Keith answers the door!
Ben Robison; Keith, hey, can I come in?
Keith; Sure Ben, come on in. What can I do for you?
Ben Robison; Ahh, uum, I need to ask you some questions.
Keith; Ok?
Ben Robison asked Keith several questions! In hopes to stump Keith and reveal him to be an imposter. Keith answered all Ben's questions to Ben's satifaction, and then asked him to wait while he brought something that further helped Ben believe Keith.
Keith; Ben, the questions you asked, make me sound like a robot? I have something to show you.
Keith pulls out the heavily damaged A.I. Unit.
Keith; I must admit Ben that I have been away and in my absence the Time Agency I secretly work for put this A.I. Unit in my place.
Ben Robison; What?
Keith; I am a time agent, but please keep this private.
Ben Robison; What?...I love time travel, but that is just fiction. Are you joking with me?
Keith; No, Ben. The agency I work for was based in Galilee, and has an office in the Foshay Tower in downtown Minneapolis.
Ben Robison; What?
Keith; I know how unbelievable it must sound, but when you get back in town, maybe we can go for coffee or a bite to eat and I can tell ya all about it? I can maybe get you inside the office, and let them know about your love for time travel?
Ben Robison; Deal...say, how did the robot get so damaged?
Keith; Not sure? Once the A.I. Unit saw me, it simply fell apart.
Ben Robison; Thanks for answering all my questions and being honest with me.
Keith; Anytime Ben. You best get back to your crew.
Ben Robison; Right! I almost forgot about them. I best get going.
Keith; Safe travels Ben. See you next week at house church?
Ben Robison; Yes! I will be there!
Ben Robison and crew head off on their road trip.
Keith says; That Ben is a good man. He will come in very handy with our plan. (with a evil looking smirk)
I need ask Keith some hard questions, so I can determine if this Keith is an imposter? He seems so stoic and passive at times, as though he is processing data?
Another thing I began to notice other than Keith, is that there have been reports of UMAs (Unidentified Mysterious Animal) wandering about in the U.S! UMAs are a part of Cryptozoology. Cryptozoology is the study of animals that are rumored to exist, but for which conclusive proof is missing! The term also includes the study of animals generally considered extinct, but which are still occasionally reported. Those who study or search for such animals are called cryptozoologists, while the hypothetical creatures involved are referred to by some as "cryptids", a term coined by John Wall in 1983.
I am heading out of town to Madison, WI, this weekend with my girlfriend Sarah and friends, but I intend to stop over at Keith's place before leaving! I am curious to know what is going on?
Ben Robison and his crew pull into Keith's driveway. Ben lets his crew know that he won't take to long. He just needed to see what is up with Keith? The bell rings and Keith answers the door!
Ben Robison; Keith, hey, can I come in?
Keith; Sure Ben, come on in. What can I do for you?
Ben Robison; Ahh, uum, I need to ask you some questions.
Keith; Ok?
Ben Robison asked Keith several questions! In hopes to stump Keith and reveal him to be an imposter. Keith answered all Ben's questions to Ben's satifaction, and then asked him to wait while he brought something that further helped Ben believe Keith.
Keith; Ben, the questions you asked, make me sound like a robot? I have something to show you.
Keith pulls out the heavily damaged A.I. Unit.
Keith; I must admit Ben that I have been away and in my absence the Time Agency I secretly work for put this A.I. Unit in my place.
Ben Robison; What?
Keith; I am a time agent, but please keep this private.
Ben Robison; What?...I love time travel, but that is just fiction. Are you joking with me?
Keith; No, Ben. The agency I work for was based in Galilee, and has an office in the Foshay Tower in downtown Minneapolis.
Ben Robison; What?
Keith; I know how unbelievable it must sound, but when you get back in town, maybe we can go for coffee or a bite to eat and I can tell ya all about it? I can maybe get you inside the office, and let them know about your love for time travel?
Ben Robison; Deal...say, how did the robot get so damaged?
Keith; Not sure? Once the A.I. Unit saw me, it simply fell apart.
Ben Robison; Thanks for answering all my questions and being honest with me.
Keith; Anytime Ben. You best get back to your crew.
Ben Robison; Right! I almost forgot about them. I best get going.
Keith; Safe travels Ben. See you next week at house church?
Ben Robison; Yes! I will be there!
Ben Robison and crew head off on their road trip.
Keith says; That Ben is a good man. He will come in very handy with our plan. (with a evil looking smirk)
Meanwhile out in Ben's Saturn...
Sarah; What went on in there Ben?
Ben Robison; Oh, aahhh...I just asked Keith some questions.
Sarah; And?
Ben Robison; Oh, everything is cool. We are planning to get a bite to eat next week.
I could not bring myself to tell Sarah about Keith being a time traveler. It sounds ridiculous, and yet Keith seems very believable? Signing out for now. I have a feeling I will be experiencing alot to write about in the near future?
Next Time; Downtime!
Sarah; What went on in there Ben?
Ben Robison; Oh, aahhh...I just asked Keith some questions.
Sarah; And?
Ben Robison; Oh, everything is cool. We are planning to get a bite to eat next week.
I could not bring myself to tell Sarah about Keith being a time traveler. It sounds ridiculous, and yet Keith seems very believable? Signing out for now. I have a feeling I will be experiencing alot to write about in the near future?
Next Time; Downtime!
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