Have yourself a Merry Krampus Christmas!!!

The Beasty looks similiar to a Krampus, but he is the size of a Humpback Whale! The staff it is carrying shoots out a yellow beam that send me hurtling thrugh rocks and into a mountain cliff! Thankfully the blue energy power protects me, but this thrashing I am getting from the beasty is keeping from helping Santa! I try to banish the beasty, but he is protected by a yellow sheild from his staff! I try to transmute the staff, but no effect, and then I take another hit and go underground!
Santa; Dasher! Dancer! Prancer! Vixen! Comet! Cupid! Donner! Blitzen! Rudolph and Robbie! Help me fight this thing? I dropped my recipe book!
Santa is plummenting fast and the fruit cake is entangling and engulfing Santa and his reindeer! It is looking tough for Santa! I unforgenately won't be helping him anytime soon!
Then...five Ninja climb out of the bag, and start hacking the fruit cake to pieces! Finally, relief for Santa, but I feel sorry for anyone below as they rained on by bits of fruit cake!
After a few more hits, I come up with a plan! I can tranmute the beast's staff, but I can transmute the mountains! The Beast starts making his way towards Santa, thinking that I am no longer a threat and this is where a use this to my advantage! I form two half circles and slam them together around the beast and then I seal it tight! I don't stop there since I see the beast tearing away at the rock cage! I push it deep into the earth and seal more rocks on top and then I teleport to Santa's sleigh!
Me; Kris, I have a feeling that I will not be through with fighting that Krampus Beasty, so I am gonaa try something clever?
Santa; What would that be Keith?
Me; I am gonna trying repairing your time travel device with transmutation! If I get attacked again, I will need you safe! I also have Reggie monitoring you and he called in the Norad airforce to protect you. Unfortunately they can only cover you from South America to North America!
Santa makes his way to Cairo, Egypt, and then off to Italy, France, and England! The repaired time device is working perfectly! I let Santa know that I will meet up with him in South America! And here comes the beasty again! I did not think that rock prison would hold him long! Maybe that stff has something to do with it?
The beast lashes out with the staff again and I can't seem to dodge the yellow bolt of power! I knocks me across the Alantic waters like a skipping stone! I then come up with an idea! The Beast comes in closer and extends his staff to try blasting me again and this time I create a giant geyser that separates his staff from him and then I cover him in an orb of water and freeze it! I take his staff and cover it in rock and ice and sink it in the Atlantic! Time to catch up with Santa!
Meanwhile in the Krampus Dark Dimension...
Krampus 1; FOOL!!! If you won't of sprang the plan B so early, he wouldn't have had time to figure out how to defeat it!
Krampus 6; I have one more trap! Santa will not suspect it, because of it's innocence!
Santa made it to South America and we were soon escorted to Flordia's Cape Canaveral. Onward when went to the BIG APPLE! We took a much needed break and Santa thankfully wrapped up the gift giving in record timing thanks to the repaired time engine!
It was almost too quiet as we traveled to Missouri, and then, sure enough, we spotted more fruit cake monsters! Since we are no longer in Japan, I figured I could drop a few ninja, but unforgenately as they dropped, a dimensional door swalloed them up! Not wanting to dump anymore, I figured that I need to do something drastic!
Me; Kris! Head directly North to Canada! Wrap up your U.S. states after you see a bright blue light covering this part of the americas!
Santa; I will bring the reindeer to Reindeer lake and wait for the sign! Will you be joining us after this?
Me; No, I need to defeat the Krampus once and for all, and I suspect they are causing trouble in Minneapolis, so I see if the Time Agency needs my help. Use the Ninjas, but only as close guards, since the Krampus are using their portals to capture them. ...I wonder why they don't just capture you in their dimension?
Santa; If I was in their dimension, it would no longer be filled with chaos! I am a being a strong goodness!
Me; That you are Kris! Wait, I just had a great idea! Hand me a Ninja outfit!
Santa heads North to Reindeer lake, and I work the most amazing transmutation feat ever! With a string blue light, I transmute every fruit cake monster in the U.S. into Christmas candy! (I happened to find a page from Santa's recipe book after sealing the Beasty in the rocks in Russia)
Meanwhile in Minneapolis MN...
Naughty College Girl Aspen; No fair! No fair! He turned all the fruit cake monsters into candy!
Naughty College Girl Alexi; Into tasty candy! I can't resist!
Naughty College Girl Alexandra; I can't help but feel peace and goodness flow through me!
I fly into Minneapolis! My town, and see the rain of christmas candy! Thankfully it floats down, so it does not cause injury, and I fly into the Time Agency, but I make sure I hover the whole time!
C.E.O. Sarah; Good work Keith, and I am glad you caught my hinting.
Me; All in a days work Sarah. Am I reinstated?
C.E.O. Sarah; Well since you are not really Keith, but you are a valuable agent, I will officailly dub you a Time Agent!
Me; Thanks Sarah. I need to check up on Santa at the North Pole! We are on crunch time!
I make my way back, but I don't see Santa! Mrs. Claus states that Santa made a special stop to a Childrens hospital in Houston, Texas. I quickly teleport home, and then to the childrens hospital! Sure enough the children are gathered around him and his reindeer. I am not sure how to tell Santa this, but if he doesn't break away from this, he will be late and the Krampus will have the upper hand!
Then I see in a mirror, a Krampus laughing! This was a trap! I very innocent trap!
Next Time; Sacrifice!
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