Life with Santa!

Quickly after the giant fruitcake monstrosity attacked, and we defeated him, by turning him into tasty treats (The yeasty beast from my very own kitchen!) Santa and me were brought back into the Foshay tower. Our mouths were covered in tasty chocolate and the C.E.O. scoulded us and passed a sentence upon me.
C.E.O. Sarah; I need to defrief both of you both!
Just then Time Agent Zedmore interupted!
Time Agent Zedmore; Chief, we have success with containing the Illuminati in the time loop, but unforgenately at the cost of all our time ships being deactivated.
Santa; I guessing that means that I won't be able to use the time machine parts that you gave me.
C.E.O. Sarah; Unforgenately, you are right Santa. Time Agent Zedmore, how long to total restoration of Time access?
Time Agent Zedmore; A month, maybe two?
Santa; Looks like Christmas is finished?
Me; Maybe I can help?
C.E.O. Sarah; No, you will no longer be considered a time agent or a U.S. Citizen!
Me; ???
C.E.O. Sarah; First, I need to explain what has transpired! The bread beast that tried attacking the tower came from your place. Energy that you emit from your body, brought it to life. When Santa blasted it with miracle magic, it was drawn back to him. Thankfully, we are grateful for your power in defeating the bread beast. But, now comes the hard part. You are no longer considered an agent or a citizen of the U.S. You never were Keith.
Me; What!!!
C.E.O. Sarah; We discovered that you are an alien life form.
Me; Sarah, I am me! You know me?!?
C.E.O. Sarah; Santa is taking you in to the North Pole. It will be the best for the world. I took a risk at telling you what you really are. I feared that you would go into shock and lose control of your powers.
Me; I admit that I don't fully what is going on with me, but who does in this world, but I can tell you, I am Keith. The only difference is this new power.
C.E.O. Sarah; We don't know if you can handle these powers, so you best go. Santa's North Pole is a Holy Place and can handle you and your powers. The U.S. cannot.
I was feeling very dejected, but Santa assured me that he and Mrs. Claus would take good care of me. We made our way out and towards the North Pole.
C.E.O. Sarah; I had to fight back those tears. Time Agent O'Malley, any word on the location of the real Time Agent Keith?
Time Agent O'Malley; None...the trail went cold. Maybe this Keith is the real one, just altered by alien science?
C.E.O. Sarah; No, that alien is pure energy, which consistutes itself into human form. It might of come in contact with Keith and duplicated to be like him? But it simply is not him! Have you sent out scouts to the area of that blue sun?
Time Agent O'Malley; Just one, but with the time ships being deactivated, that agent is stuck in that year and galaxy until we can activate the ships again.
Meanwhile on the U of M College Campus...
Naughty College girl Alexandra; Girls, our plans for ruining Christmas were halted!
Naughty College girl Aspen; I have a back up plan;)
Naughty College girl Alexi; I can't wait to implement it!
Next Time; Naughty, Naughty, Naughty!!!
C.E.O. Sarah; I need to defrief both of you both!
Just then Time Agent Zedmore interupted!
Time Agent Zedmore; Chief, we have success with containing the Illuminati in the time loop, but unforgenately at the cost of all our time ships being deactivated.
Santa; I guessing that means that I won't be able to use the time machine parts that you gave me.
C.E.O. Sarah; Unforgenately, you are right Santa. Time Agent Zedmore, how long to total restoration of Time access?
Time Agent Zedmore; A month, maybe two?
Santa; Looks like Christmas is finished?
Me; Maybe I can help?
C.E.O. Sarah; No, you will no longer be considered a time agent or a U.S. Citizen!
Me; ???
C.E.O. Sarah; First, I need to explain what has transpired! The bread beast that tried attacking the tower came from your place. Energy that you emit from your body, brought it to life. When Santa blasted it with miracle magic, it was drawn back to him. Thankfully, we are grateful for your power in defeating the bread beast. But, now comes the hard part. You are no longer considered an agent or a citizen of the U.S. You never were Keith.
Me; What!!!
C.E.O. Sarah; We discovered that you are an alien life form.
Me; Sarah, I am me! You know me?!?
C.E.O. Sarah; Santa is taking you in to the North Pole. It will be the best for the world. I took a risk at telling you what you really are. I feared that you would go into shock and lose control of your powers.
Me; I admit that I don't fully what is going on with me, but who does in this world, but I can tell you, I am Keith. The only difference is this new power.
C.E.O. Sarah; We don't know if you can handle these powers, so you best go. Santa's North Pole is a Holy Place and can handle you and your powers. The U.S. cannot.
I was feeling very dejected, but Santa assured me that he and Mrs. Claus would take good care of me. We made our way out and towards the North Pole.
C.E.O. Sarah; I had to fight back those tears. Time Agent O'Malley, any word on the location of the real Time Agent Keith?
Time Agent O'Malley; None...the trail went cold. Maybe this Keith is the real one, just altered by alien science?
C.E.O. Sarah; No, that alien is pure energy, which consistutes itself into human form. It might of come in contact with Keith and duplicated to be like him? But it simply is not him! Have you sent out scouts to the area of that blue sun?
Time Agent O'Malley; Just one, but with the time ships being deactivated, that agent is stuck in that year and galaxy until we can activate the ships again.
Meanwhile on the U of M College Campus...
Naughty College girl Alexandra; Girls, our plans for ruining Christmas were halted!
Naughty College girl Aspen; I have a back up plan;)
Naughty College girl Alexi; I can't wait to implement it!
Next Time; Naughty, Naughty, Naughty!!!
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