The Revealing Photo!

I asked for the photo so I would be able to track them done and stop them from trying to sabotage Christmas!
I unforgenately noticed a problem on my way out to Santa's sleigh! The engine was sparking, and sure enough I found that the time engine was damaged! I rushed in and let Santa know!
Me; Kris, we have a problem with our sleigh!
Santa; What is the problem Keith?
Me; Your time travel engine is busted! Do you have any spare parts?
Santa; No, I do not! The Time Agency usually supplies me the nessarary parts, but with the current situation, I am not sure if we can get the parts from them?
Me; Does that mean that Christmas is off this year?
Santa; NO! We have to find a way to get it fixed our find another way to deliver the gifts?
Me; Hmmm...with the Time Agency currently trying to hunt me down, and I have no way to contact the "TimeWalker"...
Santa; If I am unable to deliver those gifts, my replacements will take over!
Me; The way you say that sounds like a bad thing!
Santa; It is! If I am even a second late in delivering, they will appear!
Me; What are they?
Santa lowered his head and stated that they are the Krampus, who are his companions. Santa says that if children are bad, these creatures will punish the children (of any age range) with chain whips! Which in this current time, everyone will get a beating! But thankfully Santa made a deal with them to never appear, unless he was not able to make his record timing of delivering gifts, and good tidings of great joy to every girl and boy! So as long as santa is around and ON TIME! the Krampus cannot take over! The Krampus eagerly await to punish the world for all it's wicked evil!
Me; Sounds like we have no alternative, but to get you sleigh running before Christmas!
Meanwhile back at the agency...
Illuminati Red; What is the estimated time on freeing our brothers?
Me too; Soon brother Red, very soon! Once we work out the calculations, our brothers will be free and this world will pay for it's interferance!!!
Next Time; Santa's Replacements!
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