
Sarah Lawrence C.E.O. (Celestial Emergency Officier) of the Galileen Time Agency logging in a tragic loss. Today on November 23rd, in the Year of our Lord 2006 I learned that we lost one of our top Time Agents. Keith was a very effective time agent and what was additionally convient, is that he could not remember his past missions due to too many knocks to the head.
Time Agent Zedmore; Chief! It is Thanksgiving day, shouldn't you be with family?
C.E.O. Sarah; Sorry Zedmore, I just needed to log in this entry before the big Thanksgiving dinner at my family.
Time Agent Zedmore; We are all mourning the loss.
C.E.O. Sarah; Some are saying that he is still out there, maybe lost and needs our help?
Time Agent Zedmore; Knowing Keith, he is really resourceful. Maybe he is sitting down to a Thanksgiving dinner as we speak?
Time Agent O'Malley reporting! I found a trace on an unsual energy pattern. I am getting a transmission. It is fuzzy but I am picking up some words.
"Everthing is sooo delicious! Could you pass more stuffing please.
How was your week son?
Busy, but funny thing, I don't remember a whole lot of it?"
Location is in Andover Minnesota, Time; 1pm, Year 2006, Month; November 23rd!!! Interesting!
Time Agent O'Malley; I need to speak to C.E.O. Sarah Lawrence!
Operater 1; She just left for her familys Thanksgiving dinner.
Time Agent O'Malley; Can you patch me over to Time Agent Zedmore?
Operater 1; Right away sir! Ahhh...I am just getting voice mail, he must of headed off to Thanksgiving dinner too? Would you like to leave a message?
Time Agent Zedmore; No, I will handle this myself! Thanks for your assistance.
Time Agent Zedmore reporting that I have found an unusual energy pattern that had just appeared on earth that came in weak at first on Monday November 20th and is gaining strength. Funny thing, the energy has a voice? I further investigate by tracking the energy and it leads me to the Edgewater Baptist church in Minneapolis. Sure enough I get more audio and this time I sent in an agent for visual. The agent dressed up like a homeless person.
The audio is "I don't think I can eat another bite! I am so stuffed, just like a turkey!"
Time Agent Zedmore; Chief! It is Thanksgiving day, shouldn't you be with family?
C.E.O. Sarah; Sorry Zedmore, I just needed to log in this entry before the big Thanksgiving dinner at my family.
Time Agent Zedmore; We are all mourning the loss.
C.E.O. Sarah; Some are saying that he is still out there, maybe lost and needs our help?
Time Agent Zedmore; Knowing Keith, he is really resourceful. Maybe he is sitting down to a Thanksgiving dinner as we speak?
Time Agent O'Malley reporting! I found a trace on an unsual energy pattern. I am getting a transmission. It is fuzzy but I am picking up some words.
"Everthing is sooo delicious! Could you pass more stuffing please.
How was your week son?
Busy, but funny thing, I don't remember a whole lot of it?"
Location is in Andover Minnesota, Time; 1pm, Year 2006, Month; November 23rd!!! Interesting!
Time Agent O'Malley; I need to speak to C.E.O. Sarah Lawrence!
Operater 1; She just left for her familys Thanksgiving dinner.
Time Agent O'Malley; Can you patch me over to Time Agent Zedmore?
Operater 1; Right away sir! Ahhh...I am just getting voice mail, he must of headed off to Thanksgiving dinner too? Would you like to leave a message?
Time Agent Zedmore; No, I will handle this myself! Thanks for your assistance.
Time Agent Zedmore reporting that I have found an unusual energy pattern that had just appeared on earth that came in weak at first on Monday November 20th and is gaining strength. Funny thing, the energy has a voice? I further investigate by tracking the energy and it leads me to the Edgewater Baptist church in Minneapolis. Sure enough I get more audio and this time I sent in an agent for visual. The agent dressed up like a homeless person.
The audio is "I don't think I can eat another bite! I am so stuffed, just like a turkey!"
Picture is coming in and, I can't believe me eyes! It is Time Agent Keith!!!
Next Time; Business as Usual?
Time Agent O'Malley logging off!
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