Church Planting!

Pastor Al got up and preached the word and from what I could understand, he did a really good job! I was slightly surprised that these people still had alot of the earth customs, just on a smaller scale (pardon the pun:)
The entire time we were at the service I was ready for the insect alien persacutors to make their appearance! After two and a half hours...nothing happened.
I asked Pastor Al; Where are the persacutors?
Pastor Al Looked stunned at first and then, he did some strange motion with his hand?
I looked behind me since Pastor Al was looking at something. I seen nothing, but a bunch of his friends looking suspicious!
Pastor Al; Said, I forgot to tell you about our ROCK CAFE!
Pastor Al had his friends lead me to many tasty treats, and cool beverages. The odd thing about it was that the brand names were familiar! Kool Aid! Caribou Coffee, Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa, Crystal Farms cheese, Keebler cookies? (I smirked), and the stuff they had to prep the treats and food with were brand names like Chicago Cutlery and Tupperware?
This was getting really odd, but I decided to keep my poker face up and I checked one of the experiation dates on one of the cheese products. It read November 2008!?!
I went up to one of the ROCK members named Hemy, and let him know that I needed to step outside for a moment. I then head to my vehicle to get a reading on the cheese, since it can go bad really fast, expecially if we really are in the 31st century?
After I confirmed my finding, I finally seen the persacutors! Again, only three of them, and they had Pastor Al cornered! I did not have the handy laser rifle so I had to improvise and I ran at them, yelled and threw the cheese at one of their heads! The cheese beheaded the alien insect and it feel apart and a little person dropped the costume. They were pretending. The others took off their costumes, and I asked Pastor Al to confess!
Pastor Al held his head down, looked ashamed and he then told me the whole story, about what they were trying to accomplish! He told me another amazingly wild story about how they were able to build only the time and space device, not the vehicle. They did not have the resources, for the rest of it. The time device, was actually found on the planet amongst wreckage, but it was damaged. One of their ROCK members has a spiritual gift in repairing devices.
I looked Pastor Al in the eye and asked him if he was telling me the truth this time! When he said yes, it was believable, so I let him continue, after I showed him that I found the cheese experation date!
At first the ROCKers were only able to teleport small items back and forth from their world to ours. They were able to fill in some valuable information on their history by books from our time zones, and grown accoustomed to our culture. They were homesick, even though they were only earthlings by ancestory.
I said; So you stole these items?
Pastor Al; No, we paid for them with gold and gemstones! We would just time swap them. Small amounts so it would not upset the economy.
Their planet has a valley covered with gemstones, and gold veins run through out the planet. Thus it makes all this stuff completely worthless! Thankfully the early settlers created hydroponic gardens in nearby lakes and streams for food! I kind of thought how odd it would be for a merchant to find a product missing, but have a chuck of gold or gemstone in its place?
I asked how he got to earth, and Pastor Al stated that him and three of his other ROCK elders (good brothers in Christ) were able to make a one way trip to find the ROCK legend who could bring them all back to earth. It was a tremenous step of faith. The time and space device burned out, so it would become completely usless with no hopes of repair. They then needed to come up with an enemy that would cause the ROCK Legend "Gold Flyer" to come back with them.
I asked, how they found my vehicle? And Pastor Al said he they had a tracer that could hone in on any time travel device, and found that my time and space device was almost exactly the same as theirs! Pastor Al told me how he distracted me while his friends stuck on board in the garage, costumes and all!
Pastor Al and the other ROCKers made a plea to take with me back to the the 21st century!
I hesitated, and said; No
Pastor Al and the other were in shock.
The entire time we were at the service I was ready for the insect alien persacutors to make their appearance! After two and a half hours...nothing happened.
I asked Pastor Al; Where are the persacutors?
Pastor Al Looked stunned at first and then, he did some strange motion with his hand?
I looked behind me since Pastor Al was looking at something. I seen nothing, but a bunch of his friends looking suspicious!
Pastor Al; Said, I forgot to tell you about our ROCK CAFE!
Pastor Al had his friends lead me to many tasty treats, and cool beverages. The odd thing about it was that the brand names were familiar! Kool Aid! Caribou Coffee, Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa, Crystal Farms cheese, Keebler cookies? (I smirked), and the stuff they had to prep the treats and food with were brand names like Chicago Cutlery and Tupperware?
This was getting really odd, but I decided to keep my poker face up and I checked one of the experiation dates on one of the cheese products. It read November 2008!?!
I went up to one of the ROCK members named Hemy, and let him know that I needed to step outside for a moment. I then head to my vehicle to get a reading on the cheese, since it can go bad really fast, expecially if we really are in the 31st century?
After I confirmed my finding, I finally seen the persacutors! Again, only three of them, and they had Pastor Al cornered! I did not have the handy laser rifle so I had to improvise and I ran at them, yelled and threw the cheese at one of their heads! The cheese beheaded the alien insect and it feel apart and a little person dropped the costume. They were pretending. The others took off their costumes, and I asked Pastor Al to confess!
Pastor Al held his head down, looked ashamed and he then told me the whole story, about what they were trying to accomplish! He told me another amazingly wild story about how they were able to build only the time and space device, not the vehicle. They did not have the resources, for the rest of it. The time device, was actually found on the planet amongst wreckage, but it was damaged. One of their ROCK members has a spiritual gift in repairing devices.
I looked Pastor Al in the eye and asked him if he was telling me the truth this time! When he said yes, it was believable, so I let him continue, after I showed him that I found the cheese experation date!
At first the ROCKers were only able to teleport small items back and forth from their world to ours. They were able to fill in some valuable information on their history by books from our time zones, and grown accoustomed to our culture. They were homesick, even though they were only earthlings by ancestory.
I said; So you stole these items?
Pastor Al; No, we paid for them with gold and gemstones! We would just time swap them. Small amounts so it would not upset the economy.
Their planet has a valley covered with gemstones, and gold veins run through out the planet. Thus it makes all this stuff completely worthless! Thankfully the early settlers created hydroponic gardens in nearby lakes and streams for food! I kind of thought how odd it would be for a merchant to find a product missing, but have a chuck of gold or gemstone in its place?
I asked how he got to earth, and Pastor Al stated that him and three of his other ROCK elders (good brothers in Christ) were able to make a one way trip to find the ROCK legend who could bring them all back to earth. It was a tremenous step of faith. The time and space device burned out, so it would become completely usless with no hopes of repair. They then needed to come up with an enemy that would cause the ROCK Legend "Gold Flyer" to come back with them.
I asked, how they found my vehicle? And Pastor Al said he they had a tracer that could hone in on any time travel device, and found that my time and space device was almost exactly the same as theirs! Pastor Al told me how he distracted me while his friends stuck on board in the garage, costumes and all!
Pastor Al and the other ROCKers made a plea to take with me back to the the 21st century!
I hesitated, and said; No
Pastor Al and the other were in shock.
I then said; I have a better idea! We will go to a century on Earth that matches this year! That way you will have no conflict with history and you can start fresh, with little interferance. I think the Men in Black will also like this!
Pastor Al; Men in Black?
I told him that I assume that they monitor the time line, but I am curious to why they haven't stopped me from my time travels?
After much packing, it took a few days! We heading off to Earth, the year 3000!
Next Time: Coming Home!
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