Black Suits

Friday November 3rd, I am trying to keep myself occupied from thinking about my stolen car, and trying my best to be a good house guest to Tobi! Tobi requests that we go shopping so he can get his care packages and gifts for his family. I am glad to get out of the house!
I was relieved to find out that my time vehicle is no longer hard wired from electric shocking, but I want to keep away from it for the time being so I can clear my head of all the things that have happened!
Then the door bell rings!
Last time that happened and I answered, it was the school teacher Janelle, and Lily. I wonder who it could be this time?
I open the door and there are two men dressed in black suits.
Man in Black 1; Hello Mr. Stan-ge-land, we need to talk!
Me; What about?
Man in Black 2; Have you seen this man?
The second blacksuited guy shows me a picture of a purple skinned midget!
I laugh and then I ask them if Lizzy put them up to this joke?
Man in Black number one says with a straight face; this is no joke! This alien, is very dangerous!
Man in Black 2; Call us at this number if you encounter him?
Next thing I remember is I am at my computer. Tobi finds me and asked me where I was? He said I was missing for a good ten minutes.
I tell Tobi, that I can't really explain, except that there was men at the door dressed like government agents.
Tobi's eyes light up and he recounts about last friday at the ROCK when two men in black asked him about a purple alien! He thought it was a daydream.
I should call Anna, since she disappeared too during that night!
After the call, I confirmed that she was also visited by two men in black, but she described it like a daydream! I rush to the computer and see if we can visit the crash sight that I located online?
Tobi, my parents and I first needed to get me into a rental car, and Tobi had some much needed shopping to do! Overall we had a good time and I did a little retail theraphy to take my mind off the stolen car, the odd occurances, and stressful happens!
After a good time of shopping, I dropped off Tobi at campus pizza, and I drove to the reported meteorite crash site!
Next time; Safe Travels
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