Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Loose Ends

After an amazing, but overwhelming adventure in time and space, I decide that it is best to put the cover on the time machine! I thought I was going to have a break from the this time machine previously, but this time I am taking a break for a much longer time!

I am still trying to process all the whacky things I encountered and I am still wondering about the unresolved mysteries!

1. The missing DVD!

2. The "Keepers" of Lilys homeland

3. Remote control T-Rexs?

4. Meteorites?

5. The mind altered college girls that got away!

6. The "United National Military" run by remote control?

Even though I covered the vehicle, I have the instruction book with me, since I am very intriqued with the vehicle, and I want to learn more! I am currently listening to Snow Patrol as I read! Loving the words change to mellow explainations:)

Wow, I almost forgot about getting stuff ready for the halloween party!!!

Next Time: Halloween surprise!




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