ROCK Revisted

We safely made our side trip. Still scratching our heads on what happened in the Cretacous test zone, we arrived on Day:Friday, Time:2pm, Year:2107, Latitude: 44n59, Longitude: 93w16. Approximately one year after the explosion of the ROCK bunker.
TimeWalker tells me that he will take his time ship back there to investigate at a later time!
I wanted to visited the resting place of our future Rockers and in waiting a year, it will be less graphic. We check on the history of this year, and find out that many nations went to war since food supplies were rare. The population thined themselves out by fighting each other, and there is roughly 200 thousand people left on planet earth.
We tell Lily to stay in the vehicle, as TimeWalker, Nate, Tobi, and myself bring our bibles and prepare to do a service on the site.
Before we can get started we notice something odd?! There should remains of Rockers? I find a secret door, and we all climb inside! Inside the secret bunker is a long passage that leads through caves. I ask the others to stay as I grab two flashlights, and I traverse with just Nate carrying his favorite laser rifle! We find an opening to the river.
We conclude that the ROCKers must of escaped the bombing and took the river to safety. Nate and I were both relieved, and we then made our way back. Back in the underground bunker, Tobi found a map. The map is entitled "Holy Mountain", and we also found a note with infomation on where to meet if any ROCKer was separated during the attacks.
Next Time: Quest for the Holy Mountain!
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