Weekend Wrap Up! Part 2

Saturday was filled with fun times, as we craved pumpkins at Gina and Erica's! Unforgenately it was unseasonally cold out. My fingers were freezing:( I warmed up hot apple cider inside the house.
Time flew by at the party and Nate, Leon, Kim, Maira, Tobi, Anna and I went to "Trail of Terror! The terror trail was awesome, but challenging since the line was long and I had to use the bathroom. No bathroom is sight:( I nearly wet myself, but thankfully made it to the bathroom after transversing 3 quarters of a mile thru the trail!. After that, Nate, Leon, Kim and Maria, had to go, to see what quite possibly will be the worst movie of all time. "A Night with the King" (They did not find this out till afterwards) Tobi, Anna and I stood in line for over an hour just to go on the haunted hayride. Feeling a bit frost bitten, we survived the cold, and overall had a great time!
On Sunday Anna, and I had an enjoyable time at "Severs" corn maze, and again nearly froze ourselves, but we found all the clues in the maze for a "chance" to win $200 bucks, along with hundreds, maybe even thousands of other attends! Still a great time!
That Sunday night we had quite the house gathering that evening as Anna, and I watched "Cyndi Lauper" on DVD, and Lizzy and his girlfriend chilled upstairs, then the TimeWalker (Craig) came over and our friends Michael and Angela joined us as well. Tobias came back from visiting the college small group, and it was a packed house, and me and Anna fought to stay awake for socialality!
TimeWalker reminded me how we need to get the girl back to her time, and as most of our guests left, the doorbell rang and Janelle the school teach and the cave girl were at the door. Janelle, wanted to join us, but I stated on how we were taking a dangerous side trip. Janelle was sad, but the girl and Janelle hugged as they prepared to part ways. At midnight, TimeWalker materializes his time ship into my vehicles hanger bay. Nate joins us, and we bring the cave girl into the vehicle! Nate, Tobias, TimeWalker and I set the time machine to go back to the past!
Next time; Trouble with T-Rexs!
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