By the Book!

Monday morning October 16th and I can't find anything about the meteor shower in the news, internet or even the inquirer news rag!...Maybe I need to wait a few days to get the info?
Time flies in the morning and I best head out for work!
The workday blew by and thankfully it was a very blessed day! I found out that I am number one on the team and I was well rewarded to more gift cards, and bonuses that will appear on my paycheck soon:) I unforgenately was heavily distracted during lunch as I was trying to read my Bible! Hard to concentrate when the TV in the lunch room was blasting! Interesting enough there was a news report on airborne viruses"!
Once I got back home I went on to the next research item! "The cave women sightings!" I read the Onion and it reports that college girls are dressing like hollywood versions of cave women are carrying around baseball bats and clubbing men over the head and screaming "MINE"! This info is being supressed by the MPD! They don't want the chaos to spread anymore than it has already! It is quickly becoming a popular fad amongst many college girls from several surrounding colleges in the Twin Cities area! One gal in custody stated how they seen and touched an actual cave woman, and it gave these gals a wild idea!
I call my Bro Nate and leave a message, asking if he wants to help me with a project!
I jump back in the vehicle, and review my golden instruction book, while listening to bristish talk radio (Craig's suggestion) The book is coming in much clearer, with british verbage:) In the book I find out that my vehicle has an extensive library, which will come in handy with research! I also find out how many other helpful rooms this vehicle has! (Remember when I said this is bigger on the inside than the outside?)
I tune into my onboard computer, and check on why contact with this cave woman would cause girls to go crazy and start clubbing men? It does not make any sense?
I am then interupted by the doorbell ringing! I hardly ever check the front door, but I feel compelled to do so!
I open the front door to my place and standing there is a woman that looks like a school teacher, and a scrawny girl in animal fur, with muddy feet!
Next Time; Yoga Bootie Ballet and Belated Birthday Cake!
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