Sunday Sightings!

After much rest, I wake up on Sunday and do the normal routine, plus clean up the muddy glss door. I was hopeing that would be just a bad dream?
My Sunday morning went really fast and soon it was time to meet at Sarah, and Emily and (I forgot their third roomies name) house for Homeless Outreach with Ben, and some of the college crew! I was glad that I brought more than enough food stuffs for the homeless. I was kind of sad at the low turn out of homeless, but that could be due to the recent cold weather that we have had in Minnesota lately? The weather this Sunday was amazingly warm! With the outreach being nearby the Basilica, It was conveniant since I had to use the bathroom to whipe my nose and so did our new college friend Brittany. She did not see this, but I noticed muddy footprints on the marble steps!
On our way back I heard two homeless guys complaining about a scrawny girl getting in their foodline and eating their food. The mystery seems to be unravelling!
After packing up we head back to the ladies house, and Ben, Andrew, and I get ready for Small Group! I had to stop at Walgreens for my SOBE fix and I could not beleive that they had the Onion newspaper! One of the local articles had "girls go wild" (not to be confused with the naughty video tapes) The picture was illustrated with college girls in cave-like outfits carrying wooden baseball bats! Very odd, but this might explain the overloads at the ERs! I fold it up and carry it with me for viewing of the article later!
Small Group was a great time as usual, and got into a good bibical topic! I am looking forward to our social time at the Brenne's (Our SG leaders:)
As I drove back home, I noticed some bright lights in the sky and pulled to the side of the road! In the south east I see what looks like a meteor shower! I then think; I bet this is my fault?
Next Time; By the Book
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