Cleaning Up!

Nate and I were surrounded and although we had super soakers with the antidote in them, we could not get them all, with the way they were surrounding us! It would have worked better by surprise and they got the surprise on us!
As they got closer, I downed an entire bottle of SOBE and let out a scream that was suppose to sound intimidating, but it came out like I was going through puberty!
I was ready to shoot, and then I was interupted by a womens hand, pushing down my super soaker! It was Kita Rollins!, and I had a hand on my shoulder, and it was Dan Rollins! They rest assured Nate and I that they could handle this!
Kita yelled out and many ROCK women (they will remain nameless) came flying out! Ballet style! Dan told me and Nate to simply sit down and enjoy the show!
The Rock women were using dance moves and ballet and some were meditated in strange poses and then it looked like they teleport to the the other side of the college cave girl group while taking down several combatants. It was the most amaxing visual as these Rock women defeated the college cave like girls with ballet and dance moves, along with yoga!
I then I asked Dan; It that crazy exercise routine?
Dan said; Yup these girls are using a modification to "Yoga Bootie Ballet"! They must remain nameless, Keith!
I promised Dan that I would not say who these girls are and Nate promised as well!
After they defeated almost all of the college girls, (Some of them got away) Kita and Dan took the antidote, sprinkled on the college girls heads, and handed them ROCK cards. This was literally a butt kicking outreach method!
Then Nate and I thanked them and before we could leave, Dan Rollins said; Not so fast Keith! We need to talk about your problem!
I said; ahhh...what problem?
And Dan pointed at my empty SOBE bottle...
Next Time; Weekend Wrap Up!
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