Yoga Bootie Ballet and Belated Birthday Cake!

I felt bad about not letting the scrawny girl stay at my place, but we have strict rules in my house!
The story about the scrawny girl is that she climbed aboard my vehicle when I was in the most amazing outdoor woodland area! The school teacher Janelle, said that she seen the girl walking around my place several different times! Janelle approached the girl , and the girl said that she was just trying to get back in and hopefully back home?
Janelle said; The girl actually spoke amazingly good english, and she is very intelligent!
I asked Janelle if she can take in the girl and then to come back on Sunday night?
Janelle was hesitant but eventually she agreed, and I headed to bed and get my much needed Zzzzzs!
Tuesday morning, and afternoon on October 17th, came and went and that Tuesday night I went over to my friends Deb and Kim's place for my belated birthday cake and they expressed how they would love to view Doctor Who!
For those that don't know, Doctor Who is a British Sci-Fi series that has been around since 1963 and is still going strong. It is about a Timelord who travels in a Time Machine. (Notice any similiarities to my current happenings?)
The Birthday cake was "Better Than Sex" cake, and at first Deb had a hard time saying this, since she was scolded for sayng this in the past! This is just a recipe, not a naughty experience!
They also mentioned how they practice "Yoga Bootie Ballet"! Deb told me about this before, and I still can't stop chuckling over those words! Although I am slightly intriqued to what this is , so Deb said; An uplifting full-body workout that blends modern dance, ballet, yoga, ab work, and strengthening!
I said; I can't say that word with a straight face!
The evening went by quickly and I home and back into my vehicle. I need to figure out what time this girl came from since on onboard dash G.P.S. thingy read zero!
Next Time; Meet Tobias!
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