Weekend Wrap Up! Part 1

Nate and I got back to our time zone, safely and I promised Dan Rollins that I would take the 12 steps to recovery of my SOBE addiction! I was given a free 24 case of water, from one of the "Yoga Bootie Ballerinas"! Very kind of her!
We took what was left of the antidote and saved it in the vehicle, just in case we encounter the college girls who got away!
Friday, was the start to my weekend, and I drove around the city, with Tobias. I was desperate to find my Halloween costume for Friday October 27th! Tobias was trying to get intergrated slowly to his american surroundings. I blew apart his slow intergration, by showing him almost every type of shopping center in four different suburbs! Still looking for the final pieces:(
That evening went went to our ROCK Church and we had a meeting prior to the service. After the service, I had another meeting about Thanksgiving to the homeless, and then I thankfully got to connect with my Bro Nate to celebrate his b-day! Green Mill was deliecious as usual, but the serivce was lacking that evening. Thankfully the hostess covered us:)
Tobias came back later, after hanging with the college crew. Prior to his return, I found time to look into any reports on those meteoerites! Still no info:( Then I decided to try those crazed fan sites. Nothing there either! Maybe the visual of the meteorites was just my head healing from the knock to my head?
Next Time; Weekend Wrap Up Part 2
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