A Planned Community?

We fly towards an encampment, directed by the girl, named Lily (I finally asked her name)
Unforgenately the encampment is ravaged, and we find many tracks of dino feet. I appears that Lily's home was attacked by T-Rexes. The scene was graffic and it was hard to pull Lily away but we convinced her that she had to come with us.
Upon inspection of the surroundings, we see a large stone wall! Being the curious cat that I am, I ask TimeWalker and Tobi to stay with the girl, as Nate and I inspect the stone wall. Nate found a weapon on board that looks like a rifle, and carries it with him. I just bring my wits:)
After a few minutes walk, we find a opening in the wall. It appears to have been blown apart, and this is where the T-Rexes came through, seeing foottracks of T-Rexes.
I say; We best get back to the vehicle and see waht else we can find from the air.
Nate agrees and we head back.
On the way back we see a large tower in the distance! It looks medieval!
As we approach the vehicle, three T-Rexs coming running at us from behind. Nate and I hoof it as fast as we can. Nate stops and takes a couple shots! One of the T-Rexes devices falls off! TimeWalker releases another E.M.T. pulse that stops their pursuit!
We suspect that this is all some sort of experiment, and wonder if we really are back in the "Cretaceous" period.
Back on board, we decide to fly towards the tower! Nate is loving his new firearm! It is more like a laser rifle!
On our way to the tower, unfortunately we meet resistance as a strong windstorm kicks up, from what I see is like a large head blowing the wind at us!
The vehicle takes a nose dive, and I activate the controls to our next destination!
Next Time: Rock Revisted!
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