Pastor Mark Darling and the ROCKeteers!

Before we decide to land ourselves in the Arctic Ocean, we do a little research on board the vehicle!
After much reading, we find out that the longitude and latitude would bring us nearby Franz Josef Land, Russia! But after the "Time of Fire" the land mass has changed greatly and it appears to look like the same land mass on the "Holy Mountain" map!
We found it! But unfortunately we were interupted! Explosions all around us, to keep us from moving, and a voice over a speaker that says; Surrender! You are all under arrest by the "United National Military"!!!
We see that there is a tank, truck and heli-copter facing us!
I discover that I have only one more burst of a E.M.T. and without too much hesitation, I send it at them!
The heli-coptor crashes! I did not think about causing bodily harm and I leap out to see if I accidently killed anyone. Nate yells at me and come running along side me with the laser rifle!
Too both our surprises, we find out the the heli-copter is empty!? NO one could of got out of this crash quickly! Then we checked the truck and the tank...No one inside any of these vehicles!
Nate finds something that looks like a remote control device. Could the "United National Military" be a front for something?
We decide to investigate this at another time! We run back and prepare to land in Franz Josef Land, Russia!
As we materilize, we notice something odd! It feels like a hand is holding the vehicle and moving us gently. As we move, we look out the windoow and see an encampment! In the encampment we see several ROCK banners. "We found them"! We all say, almost in unison. We then land gently to the beach. We all exit the vehicle.
It appears that there is a translusent barrier, kind of like a "Bubble"? Ahhhh...the DVD was a clue:)
We then see a figure approaching through the bubble field...and it's Pastor Mark Darling!!!
Pastor Mark says; Welcome Christian Soldiers!
Pastor Mark tells us that they are actually stranded on this island for over 9 months, even though it is like heaven on earth. The ship that they sailed on was bombed and destroyed. The Rockers wish to get back to the world and outreach again!
TimeWalker has a solution and we go into his timeship and pull out several jetpacks!
TimeWalker; I found these jetpacks in an abandoned factory in the 23rd century!
We handed out 40 of them! The ROCKers now have a means to get off the island, 40 at a time. The ROCK expanded since last I meet them to a large number of 3 thousand!
The Jetbacks are fueless, and run off of solar energy and magnetic fields!
TimeWalker, Nate, Tobi and I were about to walk through the bubble when Pastor Mark said; I am sorry guys, but you need to return to your time zone!
Pastor Mark then turned to Lily and said; You are welcome to join our family.
Lily agreed and we said our goodbyes. Me and the boys fought back tears, and we charted our trip home.
Next Time: Loose Ends!
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