Quest for the Holy Mountain! Part 1

Holy Mountain map in hand, we all decide it would be good to find our future brothers and sisters in Christ. My curiousity is getting the better of me and the map of the Holy Mountain seems intriging.
As we lift off, at roughly 5pm, explosions erupt all around us, trying to control us to land. TimeWalker clicks a switch and we rocket forward at high speed.
I ask; Those similiar explosion patterns happened when I was here last time!
TimeWalker; That was the United National Military. Not quite united but they go by that name. You can't fly in airspace without them shooting first and asking questions later. I should of warned you, but I was preoccupied by this map.
Time Walker flips another switch and the vehicle goes into cloak mode. I am facinated by how amazing my vehicle is. I turn on the british talk radio and read my instruction book. Tobia communites with the girl as she talks about her family. Nate and TimeWalker discuss the map and how we can find this meeting place the Rockers listed, quite possibly over a year ago?
I mention that why don't we go back to the exact time that the other ROCKers meet at the meeting place?
TimeWalker; We have to find the exact location first, and even then, we might accidently upset the timeline. It is best that we find then in this year.
Nate opens the letter of the location of the meeting place, and...Nate says; It looks like questions for children?
I ask; What are the questions?
Nate; How many books are there in the whole Bible? And, How many books are there in the Old Testament?
Before I can say anything Lily says; 66 and 39.
I say; Lily, how do you know the bible?
Lily says; the Elders had a library of them.
I was very confused since the bible was not written in the Creatous period. Certainly a mystery for another time!
I state; Now, what do these answers do for us?
TimeWalker enters them into the G.P.S. thingy and we materialize in Vadso, Norway!
Next Time: Quest for the Holy Mountain! Part 2
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