Meet Pastor Al!

Not sure what the proper terminology is these days for what Al is, but I guess I will go with the safe route and say that he is a "little person"!
I greeted Pastor Al, at my front door, along with Bill and Steven (Lizzy's teen friends from Segue Cafe) and I wanted to keep it brief even though I was delighted to meet Pastor Al, I was very tired.
Pastor Al said; That is cool with me, I will chat with you later on Sunday!
Me; Do you have more sight seeing to do Pastor Al?
Pastor Al; No, but I must admit, I became overwhelmed with excitement to see your century!
Me; ???
Pastor Al; All I had to go on is this DVD, and limited info from my ancestory.
The DVD is "The ROCK, 100 years in the Making"! Pastor Al stated that he was in his field of flowers on his world and the DVD bonked him on the head (alot of head bonking going on!) He was not a pastor at the time, but felt that it was a sign from GOD, and shortly after this, he started "The ROCK" on his homeworld.
I was a bit overwhelmed and I was then thinking, that now I know what happened to that DVD I lost in the timestream!
I needed to crash and Pastor Al and I agreed to catch up later.
I woke up on Sunday morning November 12th, after a very restful sleep, to find my Bro Nate still at the house, and I noticed something odd? There was a metalic device that was near Nates neck! Upon closer inspection, it looked like it was shorted out?
Pastor Al was up, so I showed him the device. He said that you never seen a device like it. I stated that I have, but on the head of a T-Rex.
Nate wakes up and asks; Where am I? Oh, hey Keith, how did I get here?
I showed him the device and asked him if he remembered seeing one of these things before?
Nate; Looks like a smaller version of what we got off the T-Rexs?
After a good discussion on what might be happening, Nate had to go to work on some ROCK church stuff.
I asked Pastor Al; New reports, and the Men in Black stated that you are purple skinned.
Pastor Al; Only when its cold out, which is common for Minnesota:)
Me; How did you get here?
Pastor Al replied; By my time ship!
Next Time; The ROCK on the other side of the Galaxy!
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