The Face Off! Part 2

I am currently writing since I haven't anything better to do as I am stuck on a barren wasteland planet waiting for pick up from the Time Agency! My ship is destroyed. It all happened after we stormed the "Illuminati's" castle!
Time Agent Keith and I were in the castle, outside of time and space! My task was to neutralize the evil faces and I neutralized two of them as they were in their stasis tubes! The Yellow robed face and the Green robed face were neutralized, but the blue tube is empty! Oh oh!
I then heard an explosion in the direction of their control room!
I sprinted to the control room where Keith was working the control panels and sure enough, the evil blue robed face was there! I stopped him with a boomerang I recieved from my aborigine friend "Zoomee" back in 1820!
I ran up to Keith and thankfully the device was not on him! Keith stated that we needed to get to the future of 2056 since he accidently time transported many evil robots there!
I told him that it was around the time that the world started to burn! Keith said, he knew about this devasting event and also said that if we don't do something, the world will burn continously!
I assured Keith that since we are out of time and space, we have plently of time on our hands and we need to alert the Men in Black! The Men in Black came quickly and they imparted news that the "Lily" test subject happened to be a girl with extraordinary powers! She cannot be physically destroyed so the Men in Black figured that the Evil Face Men planned to burn the planet until there is only one left! Lily!
After disassembling the control panels, we head back to 2006 to retrieve my time ship and we both syncronize our ships to appear at the same time!
We put on protective suits, since it was incredibly hot outside, and we then statigized on what to do! Keith relayed the story of the "Gold Flyer" and suspected that this legend might be him? I check the time line and things were checking out with that legend. Keith named his ship "Time Flyer 1" since he did not want it to be match that crazy legend! Keith also said he had a backup plan, but it is best that only he knew about it!
We rig his ship and hope that everything goes according to plan?
The heat was getting unbearable, and we figure that the time is right to advance to the sky!
Between our two time ships we plan to capture the faces in a time net and then put them in a "Time Loop"! It is a trap that they will never be able to escape from!
We both were in sync with the faces and everything looked good, so we sprung the trap, the faces fought, but eventually they were caught in the "Time Loop"...then the unexpected happened! We experienced a "Time Lash" and Keith and his ship vanished! My ship spun out of control as I experienced spinning in and out of time and space, until I crashed on this barren planet!
Thankfully the onboard computer was still working and it assured me that our mission was accomplished, the evil faces will never plaque mankind again, but Time Agent Keith vanished from the time line!
Next Time; the END!
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