Cross Mrs. Claus

The North Pole feels warmer than it looks. I am currently busy putting the reindeer back in their stables...oh, I bet you are wondering what happened with us spinning out of control and a Time Torpedo heading towards us?
I think Santa said it best!
Santa; As we were spinned all about, our minds were filled with much doubt! With sudden fright, we were saved by a bright blue light! Teleported to safety, just in time for mashed potatos and gravy!
I asked Santa if he ever witnessed anything like this before. Santa just smiled.
The Time Agency is probably still scratching their heads, and due to Santa's haven, not even the Time Agency can get here!
But now we faced the toughest part of the trip! Convincing Mrs. Claus that Santa truly loves her and that she is the only one for him! I ultilized my skills to the fullest, but Mrs. Claus pulled out another photo! This time everyone was fully clothes, and it gave me three college girls faces to go on!
Meanwhile, back at the Galileen Time Agency...
C.E.O. Samalia; What happened!!! How did they get away?
Time Agent O'Malley; We saw a bright blue ball, that kind of looked like a mini sun, and then they vanished!
C.E.O. Samalia; What happened to the Time Torpedo?
Time Agent O'Malley; The blue sun absorbed it!
C.E.O. Sarah; I wonder what this other Keith is?
Me too; I can only assume that he is an alien symbiote? A shape changer that can assume the forms of others?
C.E.O. Sarah; For what purpose?
Me too; Possibly...invasion?
C.E.O. Sarah; Time Agent Keith, can I have you do some research on this?
Me too; I need clearance! Since I got back, all clearance has been revoked from both me and him.
C.E.O. Sarah; Clearance granted!
Me too; I am on it!
I enter the computer research room, and access the main files. I also commision a new time ship, and then I send a message to my contacts!
Me too; I am in! And I have access to a time ship!
Illuminati Red; Excellent!
Next time; The Revealing Photo!
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