Santa's Solution!

Santa appeared in all his glory! Dressed in his saintly robes, staff in hand, along with Blitzen by his side. Santa states a solution!
Santa; I appeal to you to not harm this Keith, but to set him free.
C.E.O. Sarah; Santa, I am honored to be in your presence, but please forgive me for asking on why should we let this alien life form go? It could be dangerous for the world at large.
Santa; This alien form, that I will gladly call Keith, is made up of pure goodness. There is no evil in him. He will have no problem with controling this power he has discovered.
C.E.O. Sarah; It is true that you can tell good from evil, but what if he accidently learns what he is? What if he accidently uses the powers to their fullest and it destroys our world?
Santa; He will take very good care of these new powers. I believe in him. If you can't trust him, then please let me take him into my care...
Just then, a loud crash is heard and an incredibly horrific sight is seen from the window of the Foshay tower!
Meanwhile at the Illuminati headquarters...
Illuminati Red; Insert the disc now, and then present a countdown to accessing the time loop. When the disc is inserted, it will shut off all time ships and time control from the agency and it will bring all the power to one ship which in turn will source it to the Illuminati headquarters.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2...
Illuminati Red; What happened? It was like it got cut off?
Cloned Agent Keith; I inserted the disc, and this should of created a complete block from the agency? Not sure why it is not working?
Illuminati Red; They stated that it would be impossible? Maybe we have our figures wrong?
Santa; I appeal to you to not harm this Keith, but to set him free.
C.E.O. Sarah; Santa, I am honored to be in your presence, but please forgive me for asking on why should we let this alien life form go? It could be dangerous for the world at large.
Santa; This alien form, that I will gladly call Keith, is made up of pure goodness. There is no evil in him. He will have no problem with controling this power he has discovered.
C.E.O. Sarah; It is true that you can tell good from evil, but what if he accidently learns what he is? What if he accidently uses the powers to their fullest and it destroys our world?
Santa; He will take very good care of these new powers. I believe in him. If you can't trust him, then please let me take him into my care...
Just then, a loud crash is heard and an incredibly horrific sight is seen from the window of the Foshay tower!
Meanwhile at the Illuminati headquarters...
Illuminati Red; Insert the disc now, and then present a countdown to accessing the time loop. When the disc is inserted, it will shut off all time ships and time control from the agency and it will bring all the power to one ship which in turn will source it to the Illuminati headquarters.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2...
Illuminati Red; What happened? It was like it got cut off?
Cloned Agent Keith; I inserted the disc, and this should of created a complete block from the agency? Not sure why it is not working?
Illuminati Red; They stated that it would be impossible? Maybe we have our figures wrong?
Cloned Agent Keith; Wait...something is happening! I can see our brothers!
Illuminati Blue; Fools! You crossed into the time loop! You are stuck with us!!! They must of realized our plan, and now we can never leave!!!
Meanwhile in lockup...
Me; Back to the prison blu...what is that on the monitor?
The cameras show a horrifing sight of the bread beasty that formed in Keith's kitchen and is now, attacking the Foshay tower! And oddly enough, it is made of "Fruit Cake"!
Next Time; The Onion reports; Giant Fruit Cake monstrosity attacks Minneapolis!
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