Santa's Replacements!

Krampus 1; Hello Kris, looks like you won't be going on your legendary ride?
Krampus 2; I am eagerly awaiting our turn!
Krampus 3; Yes brothers, we will be punished the world very soon!
Krampus 4; My chains are ready for punishing!
Krampus 5; I am ready for an eternity of punishment!
Krampus 6; The entire planet will pay for their sins!
Santa; NO...NEVER! I will ride on Christmas Eve!
Krampus 1; Have you forgotten our pact Kris?
Krampus 2; Yes, the one about your timely delivery?
Krampus 3; If you are just one second late, you lose!
Krampus 4; Without your sleigh operational, why even try?
Krampus 5; Stay home with Mrs. Claus on that evening!
Krampus 6; Yes, stay home and enjoy your cookies and milk!
Me; ENOUGH! Leave us alone demons! You are not allowed here anymore!
Then my hand caught on fire! It was blue in color, but it doesn't hurt. It looks like the human torch from the Fantastic Four!
Then one of the Krampus catches on fire, and they all disappeared!
Santa then starts to cry.
Me; Kris, it is ok, we will beat this!
Santa; You don't understand. These Krampus used to be Saints, like me. They used to be my friends. They let the world get the better of them, and it twisted them into devils.
Me; I did not know that you were a Saint, I mean, you are a Saint, but what Saint?
Santa; Saint Nicolas.
Me; I know about Saint Nick, but I did not know you two were the same man?
Santa; I am immortal. So is Mrs. Claus. The Lord gave us this duty.
Me; Kris, we will not be defeated! Ahhh...can I get a lift home?
Santa; Yes! Blitzen, please bring Keith back home!
Blitzen and I head for home and then suddenly we were attacked by the Galileen Time Agency! They were waiting to capture me! After several time bombs went off, I fall off Blitzen and black out!
Next Time; Prison Blues!
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