True Nature!

Ben and Keith dropped Nate off in the Twin Cities, and make their flight towards Galilee...
Keith thinks; It will be hard to contain my excitement with Ben around, but my strategy will be to get Ben focused on the amazing workings of the Galileen Time Agency! So far this has gone a lot smoother than anticipated!
Keith thinks; It will be hard to contain my excitement with Ben around, but my strategy will be to get Ben focused on the amazing workings of the Galileen Time Agency! So far this has gone a lot smoother than anticipated!
Thankfully no one suspects that I am from another dimension. The world I came from was great! The world was raw and untamed at first and then I came and I ruled it with an iron fist and the world shaped by me, into a utopian society! I reigned for hundreds of years!
Some did not like my rule! They restrained me in bindings that were meant to contain me and then they sent me into the void! I am unsure how long I was trapped in the void, but when the time travel device that teleported into the void floated to me, I was able to obtain my freedom! Unfortunately it only had enough power to get me here. Another dimension! But thankfully one that knows Keith! Once I obtain a new time travel machine with unlimited energy, not only will I rule my home once again, but I will shape this world and all these earths in every dimension in my image! I will forever be the KING of all time and dimensions in space!!!
Ben thinks; Keith is awfully quite, but then maybe he is deep in thought about getting to the Galileen Time Agency? I know I am as excited as a boy on Christmas Day! I can't wait to see the many wonders of the Galileen time agencies main headquarters! I wonder if I can play with some of their cool gadgets?
Meanwhile at the Galileen Time Agencies Main Headquarters...
C.E.O. Reigly; They have arrived sir!
Time Controller's voice; Very good! Bring them to your office, and after you debriefed them, give Keith what he is asking for!
Ben Robison walks through the doors of the agency and he is amazed at the many marvels of the agency!
Keith strides to the office! Ben can barely keep up, and Keith clearly states...
Time Agent Keith; I have accomplished my mission! Point me towards my reward!
C.E.O. Reigly; Time Agent Keith, I admire your bravado, but we need to debrief first and I believe there is some that now belongs to the Time Agency?
Time Agent Keith; Oh! That's right! I apologize! Let me fetch the crystal skulls!
Keith retrevies all the skulls except one. Ben is not realizing that he is clutching onto it tightly. Ben could not help but feel amazing peace! Keith then states...
Time Agent Keith; Ben, we need to give all of these to the Time Agency! They are not ours to keep.
Ben Robison ; Oh...yeah...I mean yes, here you go...I just could not resist the amazing peace from these crystal skulls.
Time Agent Keith; It is not the crystal skulls but the blue fire energy! I is made up off 100% purity! Reigly if you don't mind me asking? What do you plan to do with these crystal skulls?
C.E.O. Reigly; Lock them away of course! Power like could fall into the wrong hands and possibly be used for evil?
Ben Robison; I seen a woman floating around in one of them.
C.E.O. Reigly; Fantastic! No worries, we will liberate her and the others I am seeing from that dimension at once!
C.E.O. Reigly brings the Ben and Time Agent Keith to the lab to watch as they extract the many people that disappeared and then appeared inside the blue fire energy. They were captives to it. They first one comes out and it happenes to be Cryptozoologist Jenny and as she come out she begans screaming!!!
Cryptozoologist Jenny; PUT ME BACK IN! PLEASE PUT ME BACK IN!!!
Next Time; Blue Light...Special!
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