Clock Work!

Keith calls the Galileen Time Agency headquarters on Sunday January 7th...
C.E.O. Reigly; Time Agent Keith, What news do you have on the mushroom people?!
Time Agent Keith; From what I gathered, the blue fire energy was animating them, until members from some cult sucked that energy from the mushrooms.
C.E.O. Reigly; You mentioned a cult. I got some film footage that you need to see.
C.E.O. Reigly sends transmission of a film that was taken by the military on Saturday January 6th.
1st Leiutenant Robert McCreedy; Can I see your clearance papers?
High Priestess in disquise as a lab tech; Yes. Here they are. May I get a sample of the lake water.
1st Leiutenant Robert McCreedy; Nice trick with trying to mesmerize us, but it doesn't get past our training techniques.
1st Leiutenant Robert McCreedy motions all of his squad to set their sites on the cultists. The High Priestess, standing close enough to the water, drives into the lake and vanishes. The Magister runs from the van towards the water and the 1st Leiutenant Robert McCreedy shoots him in the knee cap. Then, all of the cultists pile out of the 6 vans and assume martial art fighting positions! Most of them are brought down by several gas grenades. The remaining cultists run and hide in the woods.
C.E.O. Reigly; Time Agent Keith, What news do you have on the mushroom people?!
Time Agent Keith; From what I gathered, the blue fire energy was animating them, until members from some cult sucked that energy from the mushrooms.
C.E.O. Reigly; You mentioned a cult. I got some film footage that you need to see.
C.E.O. Reigly sends transmission of a film that was taken by the military on Saturday January 6th.
1st Leiutenant Robert McCreedy; Can I see your clearance papers?
High Priestess in disquise as a lab tech; Yes. Here they are. May I get a sample of the lake water.
1st Leiutenant Robert McCreedy; Nice trick with trying to mesmerize us, but it doesn't get past our training techniques.
1st Leiutenant Robert McCreedy motions all of his squad to set their sites on the cultists. The High Priestess, standing close enough to the water, drives into the lake and vanishes. The Magister runs from the van towards the water and the 1st Leiutenant Robert McCreedy shoots him in the knee cap. Then, all of the cultists pile out of the 6 vans and assume martial art fighting positions! Most of them are brought down by several gas grenades. The remaining cultists run and hide in the woods.
Time Agent Keith; Wow, that was like "Clock Work"? Did they find out what happened to the female cultist?
C.E.O. Reigly; Fraid not good chap! The Leiutenant states that anyone that takes a dip in the blue fire waters, vanishes!
Time Agent Keith; Who are those cultists?
C.E.O. Reigly; They call themselves "The Star Protist".
Time Agent Keith; You mean that group that collects "Crystal Skulls" that they claim have supernatural power, but they can't seem to make them work?
C.E.O. Reigly; One and the same! I need your help in clearing out their den in Saint Paul.
Time Agent Keith; That group is not known to be violent? Why would they take on such a risky endevour?
C.E.O. Reigly; The blue fire energy is said to be made up of pure goodness. Maybe they thought it could help enhance the power of the crystal skull, so it could work for them?
Time Agent Keith; Any news on the use of time travel?
C.E.O. Reigly; No news, unforgenately! The core is colapsing here in Minneapolis. Sadly we can not use it's benefits in the Minneapolis at this time. All time vehicles are restricted and the Galileen Time Agency's V.P.s are calling a meeting in Galilee since the core in Galilee is also weakening. Those "Illuminati" struck a hard blow to us Time agents!
Time Agent Keith; Is there nothing we can do?
C.E.O. Reigly; Not at this moment, but the blue fire energy is spreading through the rivers and streams and permeating the ground. There are reports that creatures are crawling out of the ground and out of woodland areas through out the U.S.
Menawhile Ben Robison and crew are driving back from Wisconson when they notice traffic backup and someone screams the word...
Ben Robison and crew witness the most ghasty sights!!!
Next Time; Vegans Protest!
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