The Law of Murphy!

Ben Robison; How do you now me?
Murphy; I know everyone Ben.
Ben Robison; Is this some kind of joke? Did Keith put you up to this?
Murphy; You mean Time Agent Keith? NO! Not that Bumbling Oaf! Anything he touches explodes!...Mostly in a figurative sense, and sometimes literally! Keith is the one that will be responsible for this upcoming cataclysmic event!
Ben Robison; What do you mean, by a Cataclysmic Event?!
Murphy; Do I always have to spell it out to you humans? Can't you see what is coming?
Ben Robison; Hey, I just got off of the busiest holiday schedule of my...wait, why am I telling a stranger this?
Murphy; You need to listen to me! You need to stick close to Keith during these upcoming weeks, and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid...Again!
Ben Robison; I am not his keeper! I got a job, a girlfriend, church resposibilities, amonst many other things! If you are so knowledgable, why don't you do something about it?
Murphy; Because I am ethereal. I can only instruct.
Murphy demonstrates by passing his hand through Ben's!
Murphy; Think about what I said?
Murphy vanishes!
Ben becomes a bit disoriented, and then wanders back to his car, thinking that this must only be an effect of stress and fatique?
Meanwhile at the Lake of the Ozarks...
1st Leutenaut Robert McCreedy; General, I can't keep sending men from my squad into the lake as an experiment! Each one of them disapears, and we don't know how to get them back?
General Greer; Have you sent a sample of the water to the lab in DC?
1st Leiutenaut Robert McCreedy; Already done General!
Just then a caravan of 6 white non descript vans pull up...
High Priestess Pricilla (Disquised as a lab tech); We can take it from here Leutenaut!
Meanwhile in the Ethereal plane...
Murphy; I believe we are in for YET another disaster in the making! If I could only be more effective, but then the human race is not that bright! Using conbustable means for travel, jumping off cliffs with rubberbands attached to them, eating chemically engineered food that only spells death for their bodies, to name only a few! It is no wonder that they may be begging for their own end?!
The law I am governed by is partially why it keeps me from being material! So many ways to describe the law! The Law broadly states that things will go wrong in any given situation, if you give them a chance. "If there's more than one way to do a job, and one of those ways will result in disaster, then somebody will do it that way." Most often cited as "Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong" (or, alternately, "Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time," or, "Anything that can go wrong, will").
Too many times, mankind turned a deaf ear to my instruction! So many disasters would of been diverted! Thankfully there have been a few that listened. I hope Ben Robison will be one of them and hopefully he can stop this upcoming disaster? Of course if he doesn't, they planet will cease to exist and I won't be chained to the duty of assisting these humans any longer, but I am not sure if I will cease to exist without the earth as my prison? Never experienced "Ceasing to exist?"
Meanwhile back at Keith's place...
Keith; The earth is slowly changing, and not in a way that will assist in my plan! I will put a stop to this, and then I can finally enact MY plan! (Keith bellows out an Evil laugh)
Next Time; Clock Work!
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