a Wonderful Wife Part 4 "Meet the Neighbors"

Thursday evening 6pm, after a long day of taping for the upcoming talk show, I walk next door to see Kurt, and I encounter a young lady at Kurt Johnson's backyard patio table.
Keith; Good evening young miss, is Kurt around?
Young ladie; Yes, Keith, he is inside, I wanted to enjoy the outdoors, and get my studying in for a big test tomorrow.
Keith; What test are you studying for?
Young ladie; I told you before Keith, Medical studies. Is your love for meat clouding your memory?
Keith; Did my wife tell you what I ate last night!?!
Young ladie; Yup! Grilled New York Strip! I recommend delicious veggies, salads, brocolli...
Keith; Yardwork. Yuck! Why is Kurt inside?
Young ladie; House project. Kurt is working on the bookshelves. I felt it best to study outside.
Keith; Don't you find it odd that it feels like a summer day in February?
Young ladie; Now I know that the meat is taking a toll on your memory! Weather control satellites silly!
Keith; Ahhh...I took the weather control satellites for granted...thanks...I will find Kurt now.
Keith thinks; Weather control satellites? Explains why it feels great out, but you would think it would have reprocussions elsewhere? I wonder if that woman is Kurt's girlfriend?
Keith; Hey Kurt! You in?
Kurt Johnson; Hey Keith! How are you doing today?
Keith; Just wanted to stop by and say hi to the neighbors! With the way life goes so fast, I feel like I don't slow down enough and catch up.
Kurt Johnson; How is the tv show treating you?
Keith; Tough day today, but the career is still awesome! I love entertaining people. How is life treating you?
Kurt Johnson; My wife Krista and I are doing great! My wife is wonderful! We just celebrated our 5 year anniversary last night on V-Day, and she is recovering well after baby Britta.
Keith; Is baby Britta sleeping?
Kurt Johnson; Yeah, so I should go outside so we keep the noise down. Say Keith, ever think to yourself that this just can't be real?
Keith; Yeah! Every day. Maybe it is because I been single for so long that it feels like this is a dream!
Kurt; Lets go have some fun and greet the neighbors?
Keith thinks; I can't believe my brother from another mother, Kurt Johnson is married? He is quite the swinger, but I know that he always wanted to hook up! Kurt's wife is a hottie!
Kurt and I go around the neighborhood chatting with the neighbors and I realize that most of them our Rockers! The Stahl's, Quickert's, Allebach's, Rosenzwieg's, Trautman's, Brenne's and the list goes on! If any of them were single they are now all married, except for a few guys and gals.
I notice something odd. Every house has a triangle shape on each doorway?
Keith; Kurt, we have quite the Holy community.
Kurt; That we do brother! It's like heaven on earth!
Keith think; Then it hit me? Are we in heaven? It would explain alot, but then we wouldn't be dependant of physical things or money. It just seems so darn close to it.
Kurt; He Keith! Time for us to check out Marlon Sluiters HOT wife Shayna!
Keith thinks; Definately not in heaven if we are checking out other guys wives!
Keith; Holy Hannah Barbarah!!! Shayna is HOT!
Kurt; I know! No matter what day of the week she always looks...
Shayna; Hello boys!
Elizabeth and Krista (almost in unison); Checking out Marlon's wife again?
Keith and Kurt (in unison); Busted!
Elizabeth; You are grounded (She smiles)
Keith: See ya later Bro!
Elizabeth; We seriously need to get the project done before Sunday, and we are only 15% of the way to finishing the project! The kids come back home on Sunday at noon.
Keith; I got an idea!:)
Next Time; Finishing the Yard Project!
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