a Wonderful Wife Part 2 "Meet the Mrs"

Keith thinks; I could not believe my eyes! This incredibly attractive young woman is my wife! I have always fallen for redheads with green eyes! First off, I don't remember ever being married, let alone being a "Prime Time Talk show host! So far, some of my dreams have come a reality? Maybe this is just an elaborate dream and I will soon wake up, but the funny thing is that other memories are starting to take over. I remember getting married, having our too amazing kids, and landing an amazing career as a talk show host for Minneapolis and Saint Paul. I remember many editorials stating that I am one of the best!
I am starting to remember my beautiful wife. Her name is Elizabeth. I remember that we meet when I was trying out rock climbing for the first time. It was a comedy of errors. We dated for a year and then got married.
Elizabeth works for the Abbott Northwestern Hospital as an administrator or something? I keep forgeting her exact job title? For fun, Elizabeth loves adventure like I do, and loves the outdoors! She paints with oils and sometimes watercolor as a hobby, she loves children, helps out with child care at church, and serves without complaint. Elizabeth loves the word and Christ is number one in her life! She leads a womans group, weekly. Elizabeth is a wonderful wife!
I am married with children. Nathaniel (age 5), and Haley (Age 3). I was reminded that we have been married for over 11 years. My wife still looks amazing now as she did on our wedding day.
After finishing breakfast I went back to our bedroom, and got ready for our day at the Minnesota Zoo with the kids. My wife held me and pecked me on the lips, and then we got the kids in the car. I can't believe how well behaved they are and we went off to the zoo.
The Minnesota Zoo suprised me, since I never remember the exhibits being interactive. My kids were actually playing with the monkeys! I got to ride a moose with Nathaniel! I don't remember the IMAX theather looking like a Pyramid, but maybe they made some renovations? After a full day, it was time to get back home.
On our way back, I thought I saw something odd in the sky? Maybe just the stress of adjusting to this reality. I pinched myself, and I have not woken up yet.
Once we got back to the house, my mother-in-law Patti (a wonderful mom-in-law) took the kids for the week. My wife and I were going to have the week to ourselves, but I was also reminded that we had a yard project to do the next morning and not having the kids around would make it easier to do.
My wife Elizabeth started the outside jacuzzi and we broke open a bottle of wine.
Elizabeth; Keith, you are an amazing husband!
Keith; Elizabeth, you are a Wonderful Wife, and this life is everything I dreamed about and more.
Elizabeth smiles and says; May I have one of your amazing massages?
Keith; Why of course my dear!
Keith thinks; I remember watching the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" and I think that I am living it, but slightly differently. In the movie, George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart) wishes he never excited and it unravels the wonderful life he knew.
I my case, I got married and I can't believe how blest I have become. Granted, I had many blessings, but never married, since it seemed so challenging to get past, and I felt like I would never have some gal love me. This is the greatest thing ever! I hope I never wake up!!!
Elizabeth; Time for bed! We need to work on the yard project early. The sooner we get done, the more time for us!
Keith; YES!
Keith thinks; I have never felt more blest in my life. I just realized that it is february 10th, and it is as warm as summertime. Usually there is snow covering and it is colder than the freezer! Very odd weather!? Whoa! I did not realize how tired I was.
Elizabeth; Honey! Time for bed!
Keith; Coming dear.
As Keith walks by the large bedroom window he notices a blue glowing object dart through the sky and thinks "What was that!?!"
Next Time; A Wonderful Wife Part 3 "Happy Valentines Day"
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