Coming Apart at the Seams!

Ben Robison hesitates at the time ship controls and states...
Ben Robison; Wait a second! How do I know this is not a trick, or some twisted dream?
Time Controller Ben Robison; I suppose I should lay out the reasoning behind this?
Ben Robison; Yes, you should!
Time Controller Ben Robison; Basically Egyptian Keith was using the time ships power core to manipulate all dimensions in time and space. Since the rip in the fabric of time made our reality weak, he only had to use one time ship to alter the dimensions. When he feel in he randomly used the time vortex energy he physically absorbed to make his wishes come true.
Our plan will be to recreate this, but in reverse.
Ben Robison; What...exactly are we doing?
Time Controller Ben Robison; We are going to use the power of two time cores to snap everything back. For this kind of control, we need to deactivate all the safety protocols. Ready for this?
Ben Robison; What happens if we fail?
Time Controller Ben Robison; Our molecules will be scattered through out the universe.
Ben Robison; Great! (Sarcastically) When do we get started on our path to our probable descruction?
Time Controller Ben Robison; Start the time for 30 seconds NOW!
Ben and T.C. Ben syncronize the timer to the best of their ability, but to their dismay, they are off by one second. The buttons are pushed and everything goes white!
The other planet earths violently snap back to their dimensions, and our earth starts to fracture and then, thankfully it all comes back together.
The white light stars to dim and colors come back to Ben.
Ben Robison; Did we do it Ben?
No response...
Ben Robison; Is everything restored now?
Ben checks the controls and sees that the monitor shows the space around the planet to be clear of the other earths. Ben checks (to the best of his knowledge) the time line and dimensional gauges. Everything seems to look normal.
Ben, still a bit disoriented, notices that he has landed. Ben opens the door and notices that he landed in his bedroom. As he stumbles out of the time machine, Ben notices a golden envelope on his bible. Ben opens it, and it states, "From the Galileen Time Agency, welcome on board". Ben smiles.
Next Time; Thanks for reading!
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