It's a Wonderful Wife Part 1 "Waking up!"

Last thing I remember, I was just shaking off the link with the blue fire alien that suddenly sacrified himself to rid the world of the Krampus during Christmas. I was stranded on an untamed wooded world, which was all wilderness. During my backup plan, I lost grip of my time control console and the time control console slipped in the time void, and I woke up in the wooded world. After learning to adapt to these surroundings, I took some downtime and slept, and then woke up in this amazing bedroom!
I see a newspaper on one of the chairs. I will check it out. What?! This paper shows the date is Saturday February 10th?! I am back on earth since this paper is the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Anyway, who's house am I in?
Woman's voice; Honey! Are you up? It's almost 10am.
Keith thinks; Maybe it is the wife of my guest? I will just step out on the deck for now? I can't believe how fresh the air is?
Woman's voice; Honey! Where are you hiding?
Keith thinks; I don't want to get in the middle of a domestic spat, so I best go out to the yard. I cannot believe how many acres this place has? Maybe I am at one of the C.E.O.'s home? Wow, is that a garage?
Woman's voice; Honey!?
Keith thinks; Wherever her husband is, he is going to be in big trouble? Holy cats, this guys got some cool vehicles! I wonder what is behind door #1? I am amazed that the garage doesn't smell like gas or oil.
Woman's voice; Breakfast will be ready in 15 minutes. I know that bacon is your favorite.
Keith thinks; Ohhhh, I don't want to miss breakfast! But I do have 15 minutes. I can't believe this place, this office looks amazing. I will just check stationary to see which C.E.O. of the time agency that am I at?
Kids voices; Daddy where are you? Breakfast is ready soon!
Keith thinks; Busy, noisy place. I...I can't believe it? Why is my full name on this stationary? It is as though this is my office away from the workplace?
Kids voices; Daddy!?
Keith thinks; I better peek my head out and help the kids find their dad? sign of them? Maybe 15 minutes have passed and it's time for breakfast. I am sure they found their dad? I better head back to that guest bedroom, and get dressed quickly. I don't want to miss out on bacon!
Keith is still a bit overwhelmed by his surroundings, and runs back to the bedroom. After getting dressed, Keith makes his way to the kitchen.
Woman; There you are, we have been wondered where you went off too. Please sit and eat your favorite breakfast. Eggs, toast and Bacon!
Keith; Thank you. You and your family are very kind.
Woman; LOL, are you joking with us again? You are such a good actor.
The woman kisses Keith on the forehead. And the kids smile. Keith suddenly freezes and looks around the room for the husband, but does not see him.
Girl Kid; Daddy (the kid looks at Keith) are we going to the Zoo today? I love the monkeys!
Boy Kid; Yeah, and I wanna see the 3-D movie at the Imax!
Keith finds it hard to concentrate as he realizes that he is the husband!
Keith; Ahhh...yes to all those things, now I need to finish my breakfast.
Woman; Honey you look pale, are you feeling ok?
Keith; Yes...dear...I am feeling good...I mean great...I had you all fooled like I was some stranger to this house didn't I?
Woman; Yes you did honey. You are very good at acting. That is one of the reasons why you are one of the best prime time talk show hosts out there?
Keith thinks; WHAT???
Next Time; A Wonderful Wife Part 2 "Meet the Mrs."
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