a Wonderful Wife Part 6 "Happy Kids"

My son Nathaniel, and my daughter Haley were keeping me and my wonderful wife busy! They had just came back from a week with their Grandma's house (My Mom in Law Patti) Grandma Patti spoiled them rotten! Haley was asking if she could have a pony, since they rode on one during the week.
After a full weekend the kids are still not bored with the yard project! We unveiled it on Sunday to our little ones, and we invited all the kids in the neighborhood to come and play. It was a mob scene of parents and their children, but it was a blessing!
The yard project is a very large playground. Biggest one I have ever seen, and built for that matter! Thankfully our ROCK community pitched in and Elizabeth and I decided to make it large enough for the entire community to enjoy.
Sunday ended up being a full day, and all the parents thanked us for building the playground and letting them be a part of it. Their kids were overjoyed! We thanked all of the couples that helped us build it. We are amazingly blest!
I could not help but wonder why the pre-designed playground had many pyramid shapes to it? Even the sandbox that contains it, is triangle shaped. This brings me back to the object I seen in the sky of a blue fire pyramid hovering and then quickly disappearing! I did not tell my wife, because I did not want to alarm her.
Once we got the kids tucked into bed I let Elizabeth know that I needed to research material for my upcoming show. She understood, but she still wanted to spend time with me. I promised I would make it up to her the following night.
In the office I immediately went to the internet to look up info on the friends that I believe are missing and further info on my surroundings, and before I could get the computer warmed up...I was interupted...
Haley; Daddie...I can't sweep (she rubbed her eyes and was crying)
Keith; What is wrong dear?
Haley; I had a scwary dream.
Keith; Can you tell me about it?
Haley; No...too scwary.
Keith; Alright dear, I will bring you to Mommies and my bedroom and you can sleep with us...will that help?
Haley; Yes Daddie! I be swafe with You and Mommie!
Keith thinks; So much for my research? Maybe I can get some research done Monday morning?
Next Time; a Wonderful Wife Part 7 "Honey Do Day"
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