Toby Time Part 10 "Arresting Developments"

Toby wrestled the egyptian thru time and space and brought him to the prison. Once there, Toby was not allowed to leave. The C.E.O. of the prison called a hearing to judge Toby's time walking actions.
I quickly jumped into my time vehicle and flew thru time and space to the prison.
To my amazement, Toby had the judge suprised by how much time knowledge he knew. Toby argued with the judge and Toby was winning every point.
The judge did not know what hit him and then he needed to direct questions to the time agency since Toby was doing everything right in obeying all the time and space laws, and also noting that Toby retained all the knowledge in the book, the next step is what to do with Toby. He is certainly not dangerous, but no mere human could possibly know all this info.
Toby was handed over to the Galileen Time Agency for examination.
Meanwhile trapped in time and space...
Time Prisoner 5144; I believe I just found my ticket out of here! His name is Tobias!
Meanwhile back at the Galileen Time Agency in Saint Paul...
Time Agent Keith; Harrington! How long are you keeping Toby?
C.E.O. Harrington; As long it takes to figure out what he is? No mere human can do what he can do!
Time Agent Keith; I assure you that he is human. Maybe his German ethicity has something to do with this?
C.E.O Harrington; Time Agent Keith! He is his own time machine! No one is that capable!
Time Agent Keith; Rather than treating him like some lab experiment, why don't we use this talent to our advantage? He took one time menace to jail with barely any effort!
C.E.O. Harrington; Alright. I will grant him a time mission. If he fails, he goes under the knife!
Time Agent Keith; Deal!
Toby; What are you guys talking about?
Next Time; Toby Time Part 11 "Toby's Big Adventure"
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