Toby Time Part 8 "King of Poo"

C.E.O. Harrington was keeping Toby in his office and stopping from Time Walking to where ever we were. C.E.O. Harrington did not want the timeline screwed up more than it already was.
Toby was getting very bored!
Meanwhile back in 26th BC Egypt...
Keith; Hey Zedmore, the locator has us directed towards this pyramid. For what I gathered on pyramids, they can be tricky when it comes to mazes?
Time Agent Zedmore; This is not an ordinary pyramid! Look inside.
Keith; Whoa! It has modern bathrooms!
Meanwhile inside the pyramid...
Egyptian; Soon the two Time Agents will be hopelessly lost in my maze and I will have open access to their time machine! Once inside I will use Toby's information that I obtained in order to fly it and master time and space!
Toby was getting very bored!
Meanwhile back in 26th BC Egypt...
Keith; Hey Zedmore, the locator has us directed towards this pyramid. For what I gathered on pyramids, they can be tricky when it comes to mazes?
Time Agent Zedmore; This is not an ordinary pyramid! Look inside.
Keith; Whoa! It has modern bathrooms!
Meanwhile inside the pyramid...
Egyptian; Soon the two Time Agents will be hopelessly lost in my maze and I will have open access to their time machine! Once inside I will use Toby's information that I obtained in order to fly it and master time and space!
Meanwhile back at the Galileen Time Agency...
C.E.O. Harrington; So far the time agents are converging on the person causing the interfer...What! No, they are wondering right into a trap! I have no way of communicating with them!
Toby; I help!
C.E.O. Harrington; NO! Toby, do not go timewalking under any circumstanc...TOBY!!!
Toby starts walking thru time and takes a trip to Keith's house first, and after gathering much needed items, Toby heads to 26th Century B.C.
Meanwhile back in the pyramid...
Egyptian; Come Time Agents, Come to your doom!
Time Agent Keith; So, who the heck are you?
Egyptian; I am a king and soon to be a GOD!
Time Agent Keith; King? Well since you are responsible for changing the world of plumbing and toilets, that would make you the King of Poo, and soon to be the GOD of Poo!
Egyptian; SILENCE!!!
Time Agent Zedmore; Maybe we should gang up on him and give him a Swirly?
Egyptian; What is a swirly?
Time Agent Keith; You will find out very soon!
Time Agent Zedmore; Hah Ha Ahhh...Keith...we have a problem. The maze is starting to look like an M.C. Esher drawing!
Time Agent Keith; Oh oh!
Suddenly Toby comes walking in past the maze and right up to the Egyptian along with a bag! Toby unpacks the bag and shows the Egyptian the game "WarHammer"!
Toby; I challenge you to a game of war! Winning takes all!
Egyptian; Sounds exciting! I accept your challenge!
Next Time; Toby Time Part 9 "War Games"
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